A New Life For Me

A New Life Chapter Unknowen
The addition of Bear to our household certainly didn’t make my life any easier. When we got home with the new dog late that afternoon, Mistress Catherine, Chelsea and Bear led me to my room. I still walked slowly as I had the anal plug with the dog tail still holding Bear’s last load of cum inside me. In my room, I saw that now there was a very large dog cage next to my bed. It was about 5 feet long, 4 feet high and 3 feet wide with a hard plastic floor surface. It had a big dog bed inside and dog bowls filled with food and water. Chelsea sat down on my bed and motioned for Bear to jump up and lay beside her, which he did.
As Chelsea scratched behind Bear’s ears, Mistress Catherine asked me what I thought about the new addition to the room.
“The cage is nice,” I said, “but it seems a bit small for him to do much.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, Bitch. The cage is not for him. The cage is for you.” I know my expression changed to shock. “But your old bed won’t go to waste. Your new Bitch Master will sleep there. Now, get in the cage and let’s see how you fit.”
I knew from experience that any protests about this latest humiliation would only make it worse. So, I did what she ordered and dropped to my knees and crawled in the opening. It was a tight fit, but at an angle, and on my hands and knees, I could get into position to lay down on the dog bed. I couldn’t do much more. Once I was in, Mistress Catherine closed the cage door and locked it using some high-tech padlock.
“We can’t have you running away, can we? The lock is electronic and controlled by an app on my phone. At bedtime, you will crawl in and lock it. It will automatically open in the morning for you to get cleaned up and dressed to start your day. It is scheduled to open a half hour earlier than you are used to. That will give Bear time to take care of his new Bitch. Everything will be recorded, so you better make him happy.”
“But if you are a good boy, I might even get you a pillow and blanket for your new place.” Mistress Catherine and Chelsea laughed, and I swear that Bear looked like he was smiling too.
“You boys must be hungry, so eat your dinner.” I was hungry after all the earlier activity. From this position, I realized, for the first time, that the food filling the bowl was my usual dish of protein goo mixed with Tornado’s cum, now put on top of some kibble. I hesitated for a moment but then reached out to pick up the bowl to eat.
I received a sharp shock from my collar. “No, no, no! That is not how a good Bitch eats,” Mistress Catherine said. “On your hands and knees and do it right.” I knew I was beaten. So, I crawled to the bowl and put my face in it and began to slowly eat the mess in front of me. “Much better,” she said. “Eat it all.”
As I was doing that, I saw Chelsea leave the room then return with a sealed plastic bowl and plate. She put the plate on the floor just outside my cage, right next to where I was eating. Chelsea then removed the lid from the bowl and covered the plate with cut-up pieces of prime rib. She motioned to Bear and he jumped off the bed, devoured his food, and licked the plate clean.
“See, Bear appreciates his meal. You need to learn to clean your plate like that,” Chelsea said. “I expect to see your bowl completely empty in the next 10 minutes so I can let you out to use the bathroom and do your evening chores. And don’t forget that before you can crawl into your cage for the night, Bear needs some private time with his new bride.” Chelsea and her mom laughed.
So now, in addition to all my responsibilities to clean the house and home school the kids, I now had to be bred by Bear several times each day. If I orgasmed while he fucked me—and I often did—I was punished. Sometimes it was a session with the single tail whip, other times it was one of several paddles. One time they invited a tattoo artist to the house, and she gave me a huge tramp stamp that said, “Bear’s Bitch.” The letter ‘h” on the tattoo was mounted by a dog that looked exactly like Bear.
Mistress Catherine loved to save the most painful punishments for when friends came over. I had been locked most of the time in a steel chastity device since they got Bear 3 months ago. She wanted to see how, or if, she could control my orgasms. I soon realized that I had become a psychology experiment to answer the question: “Is there any level of current pain or expectation of future pain that will prevent orgasms when the subject is simultaneously exposed to extremely high levels of sexual stimulation?” In other words, who prevails in the epic battle of pain v. perversion?
Master Derek had invited all the people that worked at his small medical office for an evening at the house for what he described as “drinks, dinner, debauchery and destruction.” His employees were all well versed in the family kinks and the circumstances of my “acquisition” so there was no worry that they would see or hear something that might cause someone to alert law enforcement. As additional insurance, Maddie, Derek’s office manager, was married to the local deputy Sheriff, Gary Daniels.
I first met Sheriff Daniels two weeks before the dinner party. It was a Sunday, and the entire family had gone into town to shop at the mall. II was told that I would be spending the entire day cleaning out one of the barns and putting things into storage in preparation for Chelsea’s big 11th birthday party next month.
About mid-afternoon, while I was slowly moving the latest load of stuff, I saw a Sheriff’s squad car drive past where I was working and stop in the driveway. It caught me by complete surprise. I was happy that my usual outfit was not on full display. Because I was going to be working outside in the barn, and the weather was colder, Mistress Catherine had instructed me to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants over my corset. She also let me wear pink flats to get around better in the barn. But everything didn’t look completely normal. I still had on a long blonde wig, and the thick steel collar locked around my neck was obvious.
Sheriff Daniels exited the vehicle and immediately walked towards me. He must have been close to 6’7” and weighed more than 275 pounds with short, cropped hair. He didn’t look like someone with a sense of humor. He told me to put down the stuff I was carrying and looked at me very closely.
“I received a call that someone was stealing things from the barn. They said it looked like a woman, but now I can see they might have been wrong about that. What are you doing with that stuff? Do I say Sir or Ma’am? I want to make sure I don’t accidentally offend you by using the wrong pronouns,” he said sarcastically.
I suddenly realized that after more 6 months of serving the family and experiencing just about every wild sexual fantasy and torture anyone could imagine, this was finally my golden opportunity to get help and go back to my old life. I could probably still get my old job back filled with hours of paperwork each day and endless Zoom meetings. My old one-bedroom apartment might be available with a scenic view of the vacant lots and drug dealers across the street. I didn’t have any real friends in town, but I could get back to my perverted online life and jerk off all weekend to thoughts of people that didn’t give a fuck about me and that I knew I would never meet. I could get away from Mistress Catherine and Master Derek, get away from Chelsea and her sisters, and get and away from everything here, for good. All I had to do was tell him what happened to me.
But before I could say anything, the Sheriff grabbed me by the collar and led me forcibly over to the barn and turned me around, ordering me to put my arms up on the wall and spread my legs wide. He started roughly patting me down from head to toe. I felt him grab harder as he felt the corset under the loose sweatshirt. And as he patted my waist down, the movement made the bells noticeably ring on my scrotum piercing. That sound caused him to stop and back away.
“Slowly remove your sweatshirt, sweatpants and gloves.” I looked towards Sheriff Daniels and saw he had his right hand near the weapon on his right hip. “Do it!”
I wasn’t sure how he might react to what he was about to see, but I did not know how to avoid it. So, I followed instructions and first removed the gloves, then the sweatshirt and then the sweatpants. Under the sweatshirt, I had on a corset that nestled tightly under my chest. The combination of my steady weight loss, and the recent addition of twice weekly injections of bovine hormones with the nipple pumping had caused my tits and my nipples to become even more prominent. He could now plainly see the cuffs padlocked around my wrists and ankles. My cock was locked in chastity. Through the sheer fabric of my crotchless panties, he could see the brand on my ass, and the tramp stamp on my lower back. My fingernails were long and bright pink.
He told me to turn around and put both my hands behind my back. He then took out his handcuffs and secured my wrists together. I was then instructed to turn back and face him.
Sheriff Daniels was shaking his head. “I must admit, that has to be the most interesting choice of outfits I have ever seen to empty out a barn.” Then he looked behind him and around the vast property before returning his attention to me.
“No one else is here. I see the collar can’t be removed and you have padlocks on your wrist cuffs, your ankle cuffs and your corset. I assume you dont have the keys to the locks. Are you sure you’re, OK?”
Thinking again about how I should answer that question made me finally realize that I was not just OK, I was more satisfied than I had been my entire life. Yes, my life here was not typical. I did have to endure a lot of pain and humiliation, but the more that happened, the more I seemed to crave it. And I was serving a family that needed me, and I was having one unforgettable experience after another.
Before getting here, I thought life was about accumulating possessions. But possessions come and go and are never enough. But now I saw that life was really about the people you meet and the experiences you have, both pleasurable and painful. No one can ever take those moments away from you. So, after thinking about all of that, my answer to his question became obvious to me.
“I am fine, Sir. I know this might sound very strange to you, but I can no longer imagine being anywhere else. I love making the Reynolds family happy and they need me. Being brought here was the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I didn’t know if my answer surprised him, but his response to my answer surprised me.
Sheriff Daniels walked up to me and pinched both of my exposed nipples hard. As my mouth opened wide to cry out in pain, he spit into it.
“Good answer…Bitch! Now swallow it.”
I did, as he began to unbuckle his holster. While I tried to fully grasp what was suddenly happening here, he extended his knee into my crotch and pushed me firmly down on my knees. Now that my head was at waist level, he didn’t hesitate to drop his pants and reveal his throbbing cock. “Get to work! I have been saving this for you all week.”
With my hands cuffed behind me and a hard cock in front of me, I had no doubt what was expected of me. I leaned forward and went to work on the head of his cock. The sheriff grabbed a tight grip on my blonde wig and started sliding my mouth back and forth on his cock, going deeper with each thrust. His cock wasn’t extremely long, but it was thick and stretched my mouth near the maximum. It caused me to gag slightly as I tried to adjust to his girth. Once he got balls deep, he held my head firm and crushed my nose into his pubic mound forcing me to hold my breath until he pulled back and resumed his thrusts faster.
“Nice job, whore! My wife is going to need some lessons from you,” he said. Sheriff Daniels was not quick to cum, as my head was starting to float, and my ears were ringing from repeatedly losing the ability to breathe over the next 30 minutes.
Just as I thought he was ready to finally empty his load down my throat, my focus was suddenly interrupted by a sharp jolt of electricity to my collar.
“Bitch! What are you doing?” I saw Mistress Catherine walking towards us with the rest of the family close behind. “We can’t give you a simple task of cleaning out the barn while we go shopping without you ending up handcuffed on your knees sucking cock?” I could only mumble with his cock still filling my mouth. “Nothing to say, slut? You will be punished for that later! Now get back to work and show Sheriff Daniels that you are a good host.” Her big smile told me that none of this was a surprise to her.
It took only about 5 more minutes with him pounding my throat and the family urging him to “Feed the Bitch!” for his cock to explode in my mouth with 6 or 7 blasts of thick cum. The girls were clapping as he pulled out and I was finally able to resume normal breathing.
“Was he as good as I promised?” Master Derek asked.
“Even better. Get him a tongue piercing like Maddie’s and he might be perfect,” Sheriff Daniels replied.
“Oh, just wait. We have that and lot more things planned for him,” Mistress Catherine said as I was firmly pulled back to my feet by Sheriff Daniels and he removed the cuffs connecting my wrists. “Gary, will you be able to join your wife for dinner here next week?”
“My schedule is clear,” he said. “My wife told me that you have a big night of punishment planned for him. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. At least for everyone but him.”
“We plan to push him to some new limits, that’s for sure,” said Ms. Catherine. “We really appreciate you coming out here this afternoon. Before we took him to the final phase of his development, we had to be sure that he was all-in with us. His reaction to seeing you, and his response to your questions, was even better than I could have hoped for. I am so glad we were watching. His answer might even buy him a little mercy tonight,” she laughed. “A little.”
“And don’t forget to get me a copy of the bodycam footage before you delete it.”
“Well, I am glad he’s a keeper. It’s one less body I need to dispose of,” Sheriff Daniels joked.
Mistress Catherine walked over to me and kissed me gently on the forehead. “Bitch, get back to work cleaning the barn. It will be dark in an hour. And you were right. We do need you and I am so happy I found you.”
I was smiling as they all walked to the house together and I went back into the barn to finish the job.