Hot babe carol gives tit fuck before

Hot babe carol gives tit fuck before
"Yeah, sure, it's Friday night, like with my seniority they work me Friday nights, well, except for special projects. Not a problem, Harry, I'll be there. Got some news for you about an old friend of ours, I'll tell you tonight, looking forward to it."

Eddy put down the phone and stared at the clock. He had enough time to catch a few more hours of sleep before he needed to be up and moving on some errands. He rolled over on his bed, looked at the empty half of it and went back to sleep.

Harry was taking Fridays off so he and Carol had taken Madame Cornelius out for a late breakfast and then returned to her place to look at some furniture options. After picking out some items that were going to make certain situations a lot easier on all concerned, they headed home.

"Harry, Kelly said something about stopping by tonight after she got off work and really hoping you were awake but I feel kind of bad since we'll be out and I've got no idea how long it'll be before we get home."

"Call her, give her my cell number, tell her to call me when she gets off and we can coordinate a link up. Come to think of it, why haven't we gotten you your own phone?"

She was rooting around in her ever-present bag.

"For the same reason I'm still carrying around my diaphragm, condoms and spermicide in my bag even though I don't need them anymore, Harry, we've been too busy to worry about it."

"Well, we have nothing planned for today until this evening, so let's go tend to that right now."

"Sounds good to me. Remind me later, during a more intimate moment, that there's something else I want to discuss with you, something I think needs to be taken care of."

"Alright, go ahead, be all mysterious, I shall have to strip you down, tie you to the bed and torture you through orgasm after orgasm for the information!"

"Promise, sir?"

"Damn, that isn't going to work as I had planned. Alright then, I shall strip you down, tie you to the bed, tease you mercilessly and then leave you unfulfilled until you give me the information!"


"Now we're getting somewhere."

When they got back to the house, Carol stretched Harry out on the bed and began to massage him with oil that had a delicate sandalwood scent.

"And Harry, after what happened last time, if you get hard, you're on your own."

"Baby Girl, if I get hard, you'll be the second person to know it and the first to relieve it."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "So, tell me about Eddy."

"Mmmm, that feels good... There's really not a lot to say. He and I have been friends since grade school. Growing up he had this reputation as a scary kid, you know, the one everybody stays away from because he's psycho or something, but really he's one of the sweetest, gentlest guys you'd ever want to meet... unless he's pissed off, in which case yeah, he's a pretty scary motherfucker.

"Could you work that spot a little more? Oh, yeah, that's it... damn, that alone is worth any favor you want to ask."

"I'll remember you said that, sir."

"You do that. Anyway, it either takes a lot to piss Eddy off or not much at all, depending how you go about it. You have to hurt him real bad or you can piss him off real easily by hurting someone who doesn't look like they can defend themselves."

"So you're not the only one with a 'white knight' complex'."

Harry stuck his tongue out at her.

"He's always been big and kinda scary and so that, combined with a few unfortunate incidents involving kids he thought were picking on weaklings, built him this 'psycho' reputation.

"Oh yeah, damn, I didn't know that was that knotted up. Ummm, oh, you are a good masseuse... So, by the time we get to high school, we're smoking major amounts of pot and the rumor gets started that for him it's not recreational, it's to keep him calm so he doesn't kill someone, you know how rumors are in school. After school, I work for awhile, save money for college, he goes into trade school and becomes a locksmith. He drifted into security work from there, now he and some associates of his test on-site security for various companies. If their security measures fail, and they almost always do as Eddy and his boys are very good at what they do, then the company Eddy works for quite often gets a new contract out of it."

"Sir, you've told me a little about who Eddy is, more about what he does. Roll over."

"Alright... my take on it is that Eddy needs to be needed. He's been married and divorced nine times and I'm not sure all of us together could count how many disastrous short term relationships and one-night stands he's had. He needs to be needed, he needs to be needed badly, and a lot, but he attracts women who need his money and leave once they have it. Or they marry him and leave once they have more of it, collected over a period of time. I don't know how he keeps trying. I mean, I'm an incurable romantic-"

"And I thank God for it," she said.

"-but even I would have given up by now. He just keeps getting knocked down and getting up to try again. I wish I knew some way to help him be happy."

"Harry, that's simple. We just need to find a woman who needs him, not his money."

"That's simple? No, you helping me with this raging erection I have, that's simple-"

"And fun!"

"-but finding a woman for Eddy, I don't think I'd call that simple."

"Well, it's a project for some other time, no matter what. Right now, let's take care of this."

Carol slid on top of him and settled down on his cock.

"Damn girl, are you ever not wet?"

"Harry, I've been rubbing my hands over you for the last half hour. Mmmm... do the math. Oh, sir?"

"Yes my love?"

"That matter I wanted to raise with you in a more intimate setting?"

"Mmmm hmmm?"

"I want to legally change my name to Carol Grimes."

Harry's eyes flew open and he stared at her.

"Not by marrying you," she continued, "that's Margo's part in this household. But I'm yours, I'm always going to be yours and I want my name to reflect that."

"Are you sure, my sweet?"

"Beloved," she said as she moved up and down on his cock, "I've never been so happy, I've never been so 'home', I've been in love several times before and I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about not only you, but Margo as well, and when I had the idea it felt so right to me that I cried, out of happiness. I want this. I beg you to let me have this."

Harry reached up, clutched her to him tightly, crushing her against him, rolled over and was up and over her so smoothly that they didn't miss a stroke. He gazed in wonder at the woman below him.

"As you wish it, so shall it be. Monday we'll start the paperwork. Do you know, my most precious treasure, that I worship you?"

"Yes sir, you've told me and at the moment, if I might beg another boon, could you worship me just a little faster?"

He accelerated his pace and she matched him, wrapping her legs around his waist and driving her hips into him.

"I'm sorry sir, I see my asking to take your name has somewhat thrown you."

"It's alright, beloved. There are worse reasons to be somewhat distracted. I think I have a favor to ask of you as well, probably Kelly too."

"Yes my love?"

"At some point much later tonight or tomorrow morning, I want you to bind me securely, put me completely at your mercy, and then do whatever you wish to me."

"If that is your wish, sir, I will fulfill it and although I can't speak for Kelly, I'm sure she'll be glad to help."

"Thank you. The experience the other night raised my curiosity as to what it would be like to be in that position and I thought later tonight might be a good time to find out."

Carol closed her eyes and softly said "Carol Grimes" and her orgasm began to shudder through her body as she flushed beneath him and he watched her face and chest redden. Her beauty sometimes was so intense to him that it stunned him, leaving him almost insensate and he wondered how he had survived before he met her.

His focus returned and he realized he'd completely missed her pulling off of him, sliding down between his legs and kissing his cock.

He crawled down and lay next to her again. Reaching out his hand to her face he stroked it gently and kissed her. As the kiss went on he held her tightly to him. When the kiss finally broke, she looked at him.

"Harry, may I try something?"

"Be my guest."

She rolled him onto his back, put pillows under his ass and then wet his cock thoroughly with her saliva. She pressed her breast together around his dick and began to move up and down, his cock sliding between them.

"Have you ever tit-fucked anyone, Harry?"

"Umm, no, but it feels wonderful and you look beautiful doing it."

Soon Harry was on the edge of coming and he shifted his hips up and down uncontrollably as she continued to moisten his cock and slip it between her breasts.

"Harry, you know that black leather French Maid outfit we got last for me last night?"

"Mmmm hmmm."

"Guess what I'm wearing tonight with no underwear?"

As she finished the question she wrapped her lips around his cock and held on. Sure enough the thought of going out with her dressed like that had put him over and his hips flung him upwards, semen shooting down her throat as she held tight, spilling not a drop.

When she had finished milking him dry, she crawled up beside him and kissed him. He tasted himself in her mouth.

"Unless you'd like me to wear something else?"

He turned her over his knee and gave her five quick, hard whacks with his palm.

"Does that answer your question, Little Cunt?" he asked.

She smiled as her pussy twitched.

Friday night at the St. John Lee's Home for Wayward Blues, or "John Lee's" was a mix of all types but one rule was observed by all, any night of the week.

If you were in the back room, you didn't talk except between sets. If you talked at any other time, you were leaving the club. If you didn't leave the club peacefully, you were never coming back at all.

That was why for the meeting with Eddy, Harry had planned to stay in the front room. He let Carol out and gave her instructions to see about getting a table in said front room, he'd join her as soon as he'd parked the car.

She walked into the club, relishing the stares her outfit drew; the dress, the hose, her black 5 inch heels with locks & keys, the black leather collar with silver accents, the silver chain hanging from the d-ring and coiled around her wrist. She looked hot and she knew it.

She scanned the front room, thirty some-odd tables, no vacancies. She walked over to a table for four where a single guy was seated, obviously alone.

"Excuse me kind sir, but my friends and I would really, really like this table."

He looked at her, lust in his eyes. "What'll you do for me if I let you have the table?"

She leaned in and whispered, "I'll pay you $50 and won't tell the bouncer that you grabbed my ass and tried to stick your hand in my cunt. Now move away from the table."

She pulled a fifty out of her cleavage and put it on the table. He took it and moved on.

From the back room she heard someone laying down a guitar riff that sounded like the torture of a soul in Hell, then someone singing about being left for another man.

She saw something happening at the bar and turned her attention there.

Eddy had been standing at the bar, minding his own business. That's the way it always started. He was beginning to think he ought to just roar into a bar, screaming bloody murder and looking for a fight. That way, he might avoid trouble.

He was nursing a Shiner Bock and listening to this drunk pester a cute blonde sitting at the bar. It was turning into an exercise in how many ways she could say 'no' but, drunks being drunks, he was somehow missing the significance of that word.

Then the drunk stepped over the line.

"You got no right bein' that snooty, you dressed like that. What right you got to treat me like this?"

And her response had a tinge of fear in it.

"Listen, will you please just go away?"

Eddy found his hand entwined in the sweaty hair at the back of the man's head.

"Alright assface," he growled in his ear, "if I was a bouncer here, I'd just eject you, as calmly as possible, from the club and you'd be on your way somewhere else to fuck up someone else's night. But I'm not a bouncer, I'm a really pissed off motherfucker who's had to listen to your drunk ass for far too long. So you either leave right now, not saying another word or I'm going to take you out of here, into the back alley and in the morning when you wake up, you'll be pissin' blood. Do I make myself clear?"

The drunk started to say something, then seeing Eddy's face, gained a small measure of wisdom and staggered towards the exit.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry he bothered you, if there's anything I can-"

"Fuck off."

Eddy swallowed the anger and the pain. He stuffed them down into him like he had all his life. He told the little boy standing in the middle of the playground by himself to stop his fucking crying, that he didn't need any friends.

"My apologies, ma'am."

He had resolved to keep it together, not get shit-faced before the end of his get-together with Harry and Carol tonight. Carol was evidently something very special. He didn't want her to get a bad impression of him. He didn't want to embarrass Harry.

"You're a freak, you're a monster, you're a psycho, Eddy, no one worth loving loves you."

"Harry loves me."

"Harry doesn't really know you. If he did he'd run from you."

A shot or two to go with his beer was looking real good. He sure hoped Harry showed up soon.

Carol watched the altercation, subtle as it was, between the large, frightening man and the smaller one. The larger man was making her very uncomfortable. She was not getting a good feeling from him. She wished Harry or Eddy was here. She looked away from the bar, down at the table, waited for a waitress and listened to the blues.

Harry was rediscovering the joys of finding parking anywhere within of the Strip on a Friday night. Next time he'd call a freaking cab. It might not be cheaper but it would save him tons of frustration.

Eddy was focusing on just sipping his beer and not raising his hand to get the bartender's attention when he felt someone come up behind him then move between him and the woman at the bar.

"Pardon me, miss, is this man disturbing you?"

He turned to see a bouncer, not as big as him, not as built as him, damn sure not as pissed off as him. Please lady, he thought, don't give me an excuse to get arrested tonight.

"No," she said, a look of disgust on her face, "I suppose not."

"Very well," the bouncer responded and Eddy watched him go, smiling at him coldly.

Just a beer, just a beer, just a beer, just a beer. If this kept up he was going to have to either get drunk or got hit his pipe out in the parking lot and either of those courses of action had its risks.

Harry finally found parking. If they didn't make a habit out of it, he could even justify the occasional night's rental of a limo. But this driving themselves was not going to work. He began his long hike back to "John Lee's".

Carol's Cosmo arrived and she slurped half of it down in her first sip. It was good and it was potent.

She wished Harry would get here. She wished he'd given her a better description of Eddy, or some way to recognize him.

Eddy couldn't continue to stand at the bar and bathe in the blonde's disdain any longer. He had to find a table somewhere, preferably in the front room so he could see Harry and Carol when they arrived. He looked over the area and the prospects were dismal. He saw one table with just one person sitting at it, a lovely girl in black.

He'd go ask her if he could just share her table till his friends arrived. The worst she could say was 'no' and that wasn't going to make his evening any worse than it already was.

"Miss, I don't mean to bother you and I apologize, but I'm having a really bad evening and I wondered if I could just sit at your table until my friends arrive? I won't bother you, I promise."

Carol looked up from her drink to find herself four feet away from the really large scary man.

Eddy saw the fear in her eyes.

"Really Miss, I'm harmless. I'd just like to sit down, drink my beer, wait for my friends and not bother you. The bouncers here are as close as the nearest hand wave, you're completely safe."

Carol was confused. The feeling she was getting off this man was completely different than the one she'd gotten before. Now it was as if he was a mirror image of his earlier self, the feeling she got off of him was so positive she doubted her empathy for the first time in many years.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I wandered off there for a moment, please, sit down."

"Thank you. You got no idea how much it means for me to take a load off."

"Rough night?" she asked, intrigued in spite of herself.

"Oh, hell yeah."

"What happened?"

He looked at her with a calculating expression. "Well, if you're sure you wanna know, I'm happy to just sit here and shut up."

"No, go ahead."

So Eddy told Carol about the incident at the bar and the rudeness of the woman and her begrudging admission to the bouncer that he wasn't the problem.

"And after that, I really needed to get away from her and sit down. I hope my friends show up soon, I don't wanna take up no more of your time."

"Don't worry about it, Eddy."

"Hey, how'd you know my name was Eddy?"

"Eddy, I'm Carol. Harry went to park the car although I don't know why it's taking him so long." She got up and went over to the big man, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him on the cheek. "I've wanted to meet you so badly. Thank you for backing Harry up on the trip to Rick's.

"And since you're in the mood to tell stories, tell me what happened at Rick's. Not about his wrists and the piercings and such, Harry told me that, but the details..."

In Texas cities in the summer the fall of night brings no immediate relief. Mile after mile of asphalt and concrete soak up the heat of 100+ degree days and then can only slowly dissipate the heat into the already steamy atmosphere. During extreme heat waves it was not unheard of for some city locations to still be over 100 at 2 AM.

Through this asphalt oven walked Harry, muttering his new mantra.

"Next time we take a motherfucking cab, next time we take a motherfucking cab..."

He finally reached "John Lee's" and once he was inside, stopped immediately at the bar.

"Excuse me, if I promised you my first-born child, could I get a tall glass of ice water, followed by a shot of Jack Daniels with a Shiner Bock back?"

The bartender smiled. "I'll pass on the child, but all that and more can be yours for right exchange in coin of the realm."

Harry slipped her a folded twenty and ten. "We'll be here for awhile, thanks for taking care of us." Then he pulled out another twenty for the drinks. "Keep the change." He grabbed the water, drained it in a single long drink, relishing the swallows of icy water gushing down his throat. Then he downed the shot, took his beer and went in search of Carol and Eddy.

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