Hot teen had no panties under her skirt

Britney had become more aware of her body though, during that time. The young girl’s puffy nipples had now turned into puffy caps on top of small budding breasts. They barely rose off her chest, but other girls at school were wearing training bras, and some even had real boobs and real bras. Britney felt self conscious as everyone at school could see her poking nipples and tiny boobs through many of her clothes. She decided to once again ask her mother to buy her training bras, she’d been turned down in the past, her mother telling her “You don’ have anything to hold up sweety, you don’t need a bra”. One evening, after dinner, she screwed up the courage to ask.
“Mommy, would you please buy me some bras, please? All the other girls wear bras”, she pleaded.
Her mother, who was still horny and wet from when Daddy dropped by earlier that day, she’d sucked him off, but had been saving her release for bedtime, had been resistant to letting Britney wear bras. She really enjoyed seeing her daughter’s budding breasts poking at her shirts and night clothes. The horny mother was being greedy, she knew it, but the thought of those puffy little nipples had been a recurring
image in her masturbation fantasies of late.
“You know, when mommy really wants something, she asks Daddy for it right?” asked her mother.
“Yes, mommy. Do you think I should ask Daddy then?”
“No, baby girl, but you know how to ask properly for something don’t you?”
“I suppose…” said Britney, a little confused as to what her mother wanted her to do.
“I tell you what baby, why don’t you pour Mommy a glass of wine and then you can ask me again, properly”.
“Ok” said Britney, still a little unsure, she headed to the kitchen to pour mommy a glass of wine.
While she was doing that, her mother got off the couch and went in sat in Daddy’s chair.
After pouring a glass from the open bottle of wine in the refrigerator, Britney turned back toward the living room and was shocked to see her mother sitting in Daddy’s chair. She’d never seen her mother sit in that chair before.
“Come here and give Mommy her wine” summoned her mother, her right hand out to accept the glass of wine, still clutched in Britney’s hands in the kitchen.
Britney slowly walked to her mother, hesitantly handing her the glass of wine, before sputtering, “you’re not supposed to be sitting there.”
“Hush baby girl, and do as Mommy tells you”, her mother responded. “Now come stand in front of me and we’ll talk about what you want Mommy to buy for you.” She then sipped the wine as Britney stepped in front of the chair. Her mother was wearing one of her typical flowery maxi dresses she often wore at home. “So go ahead, ask Mommy what you want”, she said and Britney stood in front of her seated mother.
“I want some bras” Britney said.
“That’s not how you ask, nicely, now is it? Lets try that again.” instructed her mother.
“Mommy, would you please buy me some bras, please”, she asked again.
“hmm… so you think you need a bra. Take your shirt off and show Mommy your little titties, so I can see if you need a bra.” suggested her mother. Britney had been naked in front of her mother hundreds of times. They weren’t shy about nudity in their house, her mother didn’t hide her sex acts with Daddy and often walked from her bedroom to the kitchen completely nude for a late night drink, and they would constantly hop into the bathroom while the other was in the shower. But this felt different, Britney felt a twinge of anxiety and discomfort course through her as her mother sat smiling, at her, sipping her drink anticipating her daughter’s next move. Britney reached for the bottom of her shirt, but hesitated as doubt crept into her mind. “Go ahead baby girl, take your top off”, her mother cooed. Britney complied and lifted her shirt off.
Danielle watched as her lovely young daughter lifted the shirt upwards, first exposing her belly, then those magnificent puffy nipples and tiny budding breasts. Britney dropped her shirt to the floor as her mother sat forward in the chair to get a closer view.
Mommy set her glass on the small table and spread her feet apart as she reached for Britney’s hips and pulled her closer to her. “Come let Mommy get a better view”, she said, as Britney stepped up against the cloth of her mothers dress stretched taught between her knees. “These are so magnificent.” her mother said, as she ran a hand up Britney’s belly to one of her breasts. Mommy cupped the small breast in her hand, so firm and small, they were capped with pink areola, which stood above the breasts themselves, like a pink mushroom on top of a tiny tit. Atop the puffy pink mushrooms were Britney’s nipples, they stood out tall on the girl, for such tiny tits, her puffy areola were fairly large and her nipples stood longer and wider than a pencil eraser. She had definitely inherited her mothers big stiff nipples for sure.
No wonder she wants a bra, her mother thought, these puffy nipples must stand out like Rudolph’s nose on Christmas in Britney’s 6th grade class.
Mommy brought both hands to Britney’s chest and tweaked and rubbed the puffy nipples, enjoying their feel and the firmness of her young breasts in the palms of her hands. “So perfect…” her mother said, almost to herself as Britney watched her mother’s eyes transfixed on her breasts. Britney’s pussy twinged with each squeeze and pinch of her nipples. She stood with her hands to her sides as her mother put her hands on Britney’s hips and pulled her between her knees as her mouth moved toward her daughter’s budding breasts. Britney couldn’t believe the jolt of pleasure that raced through her body as her mother’s mouth closed around her stiff and prominent nipple. Her pussy instantly started dripping into her panties and flushed with warmth. Her mother had one hand firmly behind Britney’s back, holding her tightly to her, as she kneaded and sucked on Britney’s succulent young tits. Britney was lost in the feelings of pleasure and her head rocked back as soft cute moans drifted from her mouth. After what felt like an hour, but far to short for Britney’s liking, her mother released her and sat back in her seat. Clearly flushed, her mother picked up her glass of wine for another drink, regaining her composure.
“Now young lady,” she said, “Mommy absolutely loves your pretty titties. I don’t know why I would want to lose the fabulous view I have of them. If you want a bra, you’re going to have to do something for Mommy to convince her you deserve them.”
Britney was still hugely aroused from her mother’s ministrations of her young tits, but still wanted to avoid the embarrassment she felt at school when teachers and fellow students constantly looked at her puffy nipples whenever they talked to her. “Yes Mommy, I really want some bras.” pleaded Britney
“Then I suggest you help Mommy get her shoes off”, said her mother, with a now wicked look in her eyes and a sly grin on her face.
Britney started to kneel down to help her mother with her shoes, when she was stopped, “Wait a minute baby girl”, said her mother, “first lets get you out of those baggy jammy pants”.
Her mother sat back in Daddy’s chair and sipped her wine as Britney shimmied out of the hello kitty pajama pants she was wearing. Her mother gazed on in appreciation of her skinny young daughter’s tight little body, standing now in nothing but a pair of thin cotton hello kitty panties. The front of the panties were obviously wet from the earlier ministrations of Mommy’s mouth on Britney’s budding sensitive breasts.
“Now the panties”, she said, “you seem to have leaked your cummies into them little girl. Take them off and hand them to Mommy.”
Britney peeled the panties away from her bald young mound, a strand of girl cum clung between the gusset of her panties and her wet cunt as she pulled the panties down her legs. Danielle’s pussy began leaking heavily into her panties at the sight of her daughters wet and aroused young pussy. Her baby girl’s smooth mound was still hairless, with just a hint of her clitoris visible between the puffy folds of her labia majora. “Such a sweet little pussy” her mother mumbled, almost too low for Britney to hear. She reached her hand out to receive the panties from Britney. Britney stood still as her mother inspected the sticky panties. First feeling the wetness, then sniffing at her panties and finally licking her tongue across the saturated gusset of the cotton panties. Her mother smiled up at her afterwards. “Daddy is going to enjoy the taste of you baby girl.” she said. Britney was shocked by the comment. “Now pick up your clothes and put them in the hamper, then come back here and help Mommy with her shoes”, she said, handing the young girl her panties.
Danielle watched her sexy daughter stoop and collect her clothes, then watched her cute bare ass head down the hallway as she went to put her clothes in the laundry room. She smiled as the sexy young child strode naked and hesitantly back toward her. Danielle’s pussy continued to leak into her panties, she was ovulating and she knew how thick and creamy her girl cum would be. She couldn’t wait to see it smeared across Britney’s cute little face.
“Shoes.” Mommy commanded, upon Britney’s return.
Britney knelt before her mother, completely naked, her little cunt felt cool as air swept across her wet cleft. She felt exposed with no clothes nearby, there was nothing she could cover herself in if Daddy were to suddenly walk in. Her mother lifted a foot and Britney unbuckled the sandals on her mother’s foot and set it aside, then did the same for the other. She didn’t know what her mother was going to ask of her. Her mother didn’t have a cock, so what did she want Britney to do, the child wondered, perplexed.
“Now lift Mommy’s dress up and help her out of her panties”, suggested her mother. Normally she wouldn’t have panties on at all, but because of her ovulating and the profuse amount of fluids she leaked on these occasions, Danielle would go through a few pairs of panties a day to keep fluids from leaking down yer legs or on to the furniture.
Mommy scooted forward as Britney lifted her mother’s dress over her knees and up past her waist. By this time, Danielle had scooted so far down the chair that Britney was well between her mother’s legs, directly before her was the lacy panties of her mother, stretched tight across the woman’s smooth pussy, a deep cleft clearly visible in the wet fabric as it was pulled tight between her pussy lips. Her mother lifted her hips up to pull her dress up from under her ass and up just below her breasts, almost striking Britney in the face with her pussy in the process.
“Now take Mommy’s panties off”, she said as she held her hips in the air, just inches from Britney’s face. The smell of Mommy’s soaking wet pussy was overpowering Britney’s nostrils from this close to her face. It was sweet and pungent and reminded Britney of the taste of Mommy’s dildo she often sucked on pretending it was Daddy’s cock. She reached to either side of her mother’s hips and slowly peeled away the sopping wet panties. It dawned on Britney, as the smell of pussy became even stronger, that the taste of her mother’s dildo was from her mother’s pussy and not the dildo itself. All those times she’d been practicing to suck on Daddy’s cock, she’d been licking her own mother’s cunt juices off her dildo and thinking how good it tasted.
Danielle’s pussy a work of art. It was smooth and permanently free of hair. Daddy had gladly paid for her to remove any and all unwanted body hair and Danielle had been happy to do it. Shaving her legs, underarms and pussy were a thing of the past. And now, her pink flower was in full bloom. Thick smooth outer lips were flanked by bright pink inner labia that stood out past her labia majora while at rest and her mediums sized clit was currently engorged and begging for attention. The whole tableau of her mound of venus was smooth white skin and soft pink flaps, succulent, wet and completely covered in a thick white cream, actively dripping down her perineum and between her ass cheeks.
The trigger of her mothers’ smell made Britney realize just what her mother was expecting of her. Britney’s mother wanted her to eat her pussy juice straight from its source. She wanted Britney to lick her pussy and clean up all her girl cum, like she had done to Daddy, like her mother had been doing for Daddy for as long as she could remember.
Danielle lowered her hips to Daddy’s chair, her entire ass now hung off the end. She pulled both knees up toward her chest and hooked her arms behind them. Her entire swollen pussy was wide open and exposed directly in front of young Britney’s flushed face. In this position, even the thickened ring of her anus was exposed to her daughter’s view. All of it was covered in her mother’s translucent creamy discharge.
“Now baby girl, if you want Mommy to buy you some bras, you need to clean all the cum off of Mommy.” she instructed.
Hesitantly, Britney lowered her cute mouth toward her mother’s pussy, the sight of that alone caused a rivulet of her mother’s cum to drool out of her spread cunt and trickle down across the pucker of her asshole. Her mother dripped cum so profusely that when Daddy wanted to fuck her tight asshole, he never needed additional lubricant. He’d often tell her how her cunt was a lubrication dispenser for her ass. He’d fucked her ass so often and for so long that her asshole had thickened into puffy pink ring, Danielle would often cum from being assfucked alone. Now it was covered in her own lubricants and her pubescent daughter was going to lick her clean with her magnificent tongue, and hopefully make her mother cum in the process.
Britney’s long tongue licked up one side of her mother’s outer folds, the taste was exactly as she now expected, only stronger and sweeter. She licked all around her mother’s pussy, licking between inner and outer labia, across her mother’s clit, down and up each side. She went lower in search of the tasty cream, she found its source at the bottom of her mother’s pussy, darting her long tongue inside her mothers cunt, she lapped at her mother’s pussy.
“Lower baby girl, clean Mommy’s asshole”, commanded her mother. Britney complied, though she felt somewhat ill at the thought of putting her mouth on her mother’s asshole. She ran her tongue along her mothers puckered hole, a shot of electricity seemed to shoot through Danielle as her daughter’s tongue wormed around her asshole. “That’s it baby girl, stick your tongue in Mommy’s asshole”. Britney continued to work her long tongue up her mother’s ass, as her mother began rubbing at her own clit. “Don’t stop” panted her mother, “no matter what happens, keep your tongue in Mommy’s asshole until I tell you to stop”, she almost yelled at her daughter. Danielle’s orgasm was quickly approaching. Britney had to hold on to her mother’s hips in order to keep her tongue lodged in her asshole. Then with a keening wale, her mother began to shudder and cum. Pulses of female cum sprayed from Danielle’s cunt into Britney’s face. Danielle was a squirter, which is one of the reason’s Daddy had chosen her. And now she was squirting on her young daughter’s face, as the little girl had her long tongue jammed into her mother’s ass. Like a good girl, Britney closed her eyes and continued to tongue her mother as the spray on her face stopped.
“Oh such a good girl, you are such a special good girl for Mommy”, her mother panted, as she dropped her feet to the floor and dragged her daughter’s face up from her ass to her clit. “Now suck on Mommy’s clit until she falls asleep baby girl”, she said, holding her daughter’s mouth to her engorged clit as she fully reclined in Daddy’s chair and shut her eyes. Britney latched her mouth onto her mother’s clit and sucked on it as her mother shuddered through several smaller orgasms, occasionally sending her tongue downward to lick up her mother’s cum from inside her drooling cunt. Finally, her mother’s steel grip on the sides of her head after a fairly powerful orgasm had rocked her body. She must have convulsed through a dozen orgasms over the past hour. Britney’s jaw and tongue were screaming in agony as she lifted her head off the abused cunt that had bore her.
Mommy looked down in abject bliss at the wet cum covered face of her daughter. “you did great baby, now go grab Mommy’s phone for me”. The tired pre-teen retrieved her mothers’ phone, as she pointed Britney back between her legs.
“Just a little more baby girl”, she said, suck on Mommy’s clit again for just a second.. okay, now look into Mommy’s eyes pretty girl”, Britney looked up, her mother’s clit drawn into her sweet little mouth as she heard a click, her mother had just taken a picture of her sweet daughter, face covered in cum and mouth attached to her mother’s clit.
“Mommy, would you please buy me some bras, please? All the other girls wear bras”, she pleaded.
Her mother, who was still horny and wet from when Daddy dropped by earlier that day, she’d sucked him off, but had been saving her release for bedtime, had been resistant to letting Britney wear bras. She really enjoyed seeing her daughter’s budding breasts poking at her shirts and night clothes. The horny mother was being greedy, she knew it, but the thought of those puffy little nipples had been a recurring
image in her masturbation fantasies of late.
“You know, when mommy really wants something, she asks Daddy for it right?” asked her mother.
“Yes, mommy. Do you think I should ask Daddy then?”
“No, baby girl, but you know how to ask properly for something don’t you?”
“I suppose…” said Britney, a little confused as to what her mother wanted her to do.
“I tell you what baby, why don’t you pour Mommy a glass of wine and then you can ask me again, properly”.
“Ok” said Britney, still a little unsure, she headed to the kitchen to pour mommy a glass of wine.
While she was doing that, her mother got off the couch and went in sat in Daddy’s chair.
After pouring a glass from the open bottle of wine in the refrigerator, Britney turned back toward the living room and was shocked to see her mother sitting in Daddy’s chair. She’d never seen her mother sit in that chair before.
“Come here and give Mommy her wine” summoned her mother, her right hand out to accept the glass of wine, still clutched in Britney’s hands in the kitchen.
Britney slowly walked to her mother, hesitantly handing her the glass of wine, before sputtering, “you’re not supposed to be sitting there.”
“Hush baby girl, and do as Mommy tells you”, her mother responded. “Now come stand in front of me and we’ll talk about what you want Mommy to buy for you.” She then sipped the wine as Britney stepped in front of the chair. Her mother was wearing one of her typical flowery maxi dresses she often wore at home. “So go ahead, ask Mommy what you want”, she said and Britney stood in front of her seated mother.
“I want some bras” Britney said.
“That’s not how you ask, nicely, now is it? Lets try that again.” instructed her mother.
“Mommy, would you please buy me some bras, please”, she asked again.
“hmm… so you think you need a bra. Take your shirt off and show Mommy your little titties, so I can see if you need a bra.” suggested her mother. Britney had been naked in front of her mother hundreds of times. They weren’t shy about nudity in their house, her mother didn’t hide her sex acts with Daddy and often walked from her bedroom to the kitchen completely nude for a late night drink, and they would constantly hop into the bathroom while the other was in the shower. But this felt different, Britney felt a twinge of anxiety and discomfort course through her as her mother sat smiling, at her, sipping her drink anticipating her daughter’s next move. Britney reached for the bottom of her shirt, but hesitated as doubt crept into her mind. “Go ahead baby girl, take your top off”, her mother cooed. Britney complied and lifted her shirt off.
Danielle watched as her lovely young daughter lifted the shirt upwards, first exposing her belly, then those magnificent puffy nipples and tiny budding breasts. Britney dropped her shirt to the floor as her mother sat forward in the chair to get a closer view.
Mommy set her glass on the small table and spread her feet apart as she reached for Britney’s hips and pulled her closer to her. “Come let Mommy get a better view”, she said, as Britney stepped up against the cloth of her mothers dress stretched taught between her knees. “These are so magnificent.” her mother said, as she ran a hand up Britney’s belly to one of her breasts. Mommy cupped the small breast in her hand, so firm and small, they were capped with pink areola, which stood above the breasts themselves, like a pink mushroom on top of a tiny tit. Atop the puffy pink mushrooms were Britney’s nipples, they stood out tall on the girl, for such tiny tits, her puffy areola were fairly large and her nipples stood longer and wider than a pencil eraser. She had definitely inherited her mothers big stiff nipples for sure.
No wonder she wants a bra, her mother thought, these puffy nipples must stand out like Rudolph’s nose on Christmas in Britney’s 6th grade class.
Mommy brought both hands to Britney’s chest and tweaked and rubbed the puffy nipples, enjoying their feel and the firmness of her young breasts in the palms of her hands. “So perfect…” her mother said, almost to herself as Britney watched her mother’s eyes transfixed on her breasts. Britney’s pussy twinged with each squeeze and pinch of her nipples. She stood with her hands to her sides as her mother put her hands on Britney’s hips and pulled her between her knees as her mouth moved toward her daughter’s budding breasts. Britney couldn’t believe the jolt of pleasure that raced through her body as her mother’s mouth closed around her stiff and prominent nipple. Her pussy instantly started dripping into her panties and flushed with warmth. Her mother had one hand firmly behind Britney’s back, holding her tightly to her, as she kneaded and sucked on Britney’s succulent young tits. Britney was lost in the feelings of pleasure and her head rocked back as soft cute moans drifted from her mouth. After what felt like an hour, but far to short for Britney’s liking, her mother released her and sat back in her seat. Clearly flushed, her mother picked up her glass of wine for another drink, regaining her composure.
“Now young lady,” she said, “Mommy absolutely loves your pretty titties. I don’t know why I would want to lose the fabulous view I have of them. If you want a bra, you’re going to have to do something for Mommy to convince her you deserve them.”
Britney was still hugely aroused from her mother’s ministrations of her young tits, but still wanted to avoid the embarrassment she felt at school when teachers and fellow students constantly looked at her puffy nipples whenever they talked to her. “Yes Mommy, I really want some bras.” pleaded Britney
“Then I suggest you help Mommy get her shoes off”, said her mother, with a now wicked look in her eyes and a sly grin on her face.
Britney started to kneel down to help her mother with her shoes, when she was stopped, “Wait a minute baby girl”, said her mother, “first lets get you out of those baggy jammy pants”.
Her mother sat back in Daddy’s chair and sipped her wine as Britney shimmied out of the hello kitty pajama pants she was wearing. Her mother gazed on in appreciation of her skinny young daughter’s tight little body, standing now in nothing but a pair of thin cotton hello kitty panties. The front of the panties were obviously wet from the earlier ministrations of Mommy’s mouth on Britney’s budding sensitive breasts.
“Now the panties”, she said, “you seem to have leaked your cummies into them little girl. Take them off and hand them to Mommy.”
Britney peeled the panties away from her bald young mound, a strand of girl cum clung between the gusset of her panties and her wet cunt as she pulled the panties down her legs. Danielle’s pussy began leaking heavily into her panties at the sight of her daughters wet and aroused young pussy. Her baby girl’s smooth mound was still hairless, with just a hint of her clitoris visible between the puffy folds of her labia majora. “Such a sweet little pussy” her mother mumbled, almost too low for Britney to hear. She reached her hand out to receive the panties from Britney. Britney stood still as her mother inspected the sticky panties. First feeling the wetness, then sniffing at her panties and finally licking her tongue across the saturated gusset of the cotton panties. Her mother smiled up at her afterwards. “Daddy is going to enjoy the taste of you baby girl.” she said. Britney was shocked by the comment. “Now pick up your clothes and put them in the hamper, then come back here and help Mommy with her shoes”, she said, handing the young girl her panties.
Danielle watched her sexy daughter stoop and collect her clothes, then watched her cute bare ass head down the hallway as she went to put her clothes in the laundry room. She smiled as the sexy young child strode naked and hesitantly back toward her. Danielle’s pussy continued to leak into her panties, she was ovulating and she knew how thick and creamy her girl cum would be. She couldn’t wait to see it smeared across Britney’s cute little face.
“Shoes.” Mommy commanded, upon Britney’s return.
Britney knelt before her mother, completely naked, her little cunt felt cool as air swept across her wet cleft. She felt exposed with no clothes nearby, there was nothing she could cover herself in if Daddy were to suddenly walk in. Her mother lifted a foot and Britney unbuckled the sandals on her mother’s foot and set it aside, then did the same for the other. She didn’t know what her mother was going to ask of her. Her mother didn’t have a cock, so what did she want Britney to do, the child wondered, perplexed.
“Now lift Mommy’s dress up and help her out of her panties”, suggested her mother. Normally she wouldn’t have panties on at all, but because of her ovulating and the profuse amount of fluids she leaked on these occasions, Danielle would go through a few pairs of panties a day to keep fluids from leaking down yer legs or on to the furniture.
Mommy scooted forward as Britney lifted her mother’s dress over her knees and up past her waist. By this time, Danielle had scooted so far down the chair that Britney was well between her mother’s legs, directly before her was the lacy panties of her mother, stretched tight across the woman’s smooth pussy, a deep cleft clearly visible in the wet fabric as it was pulled tight between her pussy lips. Her mother lifted her hips up to pull her dress up from under her ass and up just below her breasts, almost striking Britney in the face with her pussy in the process.
“Now take Mommy’s panties off”, she said as she held her hips in the air, just inches from Britney’s face. The smell of Mommy’s soaking wet pussy was overpowering Britney’s nostrils from this close to her face. It was sweet and pungent and reminded Britney of the taste of Mommy’s dildo she often sucked on pretending it was Daddy’s cock. She reached to either side of her mother’s hips and slowly peeled away the sopping wet panties. It dawned on Britney, as the smell of pussy became even stronger, that the taste of her mother’s dildo was from her mother’s pussy and not the dildo itself. All those times she’d been practicing to suck on Daddy’s cock, she’d been licking her own mother’s cunt juices off her dildo and thinking how good it tasted.
Danielle’s pussy a work of art. It was smooth and permanently free of hair. Daddy had gladly paid for her to remove any and all unwanted body hair and Danielle had been happy to do it. Shaving her legs, underarms and pussy were a thing of the past. And now, her pink flower was in full bloom. Thick smooth outer lips were flanked by bright pink inner labia that stood out past her labia majora while at rest and her mediums sized clit was currently engorged and begging for attention. The whole tableau of her mound of venus was smooth white skin and soft pink flaps, succulent, wet and completely covered in a thick white cream, actively dripping down her perineum and between her ass cheeks.
The trigger of her mothers’ smell made Britney realize just what her mother was expecting of her. Britney’s mother wanted her to eat her pussy juice straight from its source. She wanted Britney to lick her pussy and clean up all her girl cum, like she had done to Daddy, like her mother had been doing for Daddy for as long as she could remember.
Danielle lowered her hips to Daddy’s chair, her entire ass now hung off the end. She pulled both knees up toward her chest and hooked her arms behind them. Her entire swollen pussy was wide open and exposed directly in front of young Britney’s flushed face. In this position, even the thickened ring of her anus was exposed to her daughter’s view. All of it was covered in her mother’s translucent creamy discharge.
“Now baby girl, if you want Mommy to buy you some bras, you need to clean all the cum off of Mommy.” she instructed.
Hesitantly, Britney lowered her cute mouth toward her mother’s pussy, the sight of that alone caused a rivulet of her mother’s cum to drool out of her spread cunt and trickle down across the pucker of her asshole. Her mother dripped cum so profusely that when Daddy wanted to fuck her tight asshole, he never needed additional lubricant. He’d often tell her how her cunt was a lubrication dispenser for her ass. He’d fucked her ass so often and for so long that her asshole had thickened into puffy pink ring, Danielle would often cum from being assfucked alone. Now it was covered in her own lubricants and her pubescent daughter was going to lick her clean with her magnificent tongue, and hopefully make her mother cum in the process.
Britney’s long tongue licked up one side of her mother’s outer folds, the taste was exactly as she now expected, only stronger and sweeter. She licked all around her mother’s pussy, licking between inner and outer labia, across her mother’s clit, down and up each side. She went lower in search of the tasty cream, she found its source at the bottom of her mother’s pussy, darting her long tongue inside her mothers cunt, she lapped at her mother’s pussy.
“Lower baby girl, clean Mommy’s asshole”, commanded her mother. Britney complied, though she felt somewhat ill at the thought of putting her mouth on her mother’s asshole. She ran her tongue along her mothers puckered hole, a shot of electricity seemed to shoot through Danielle as her daughter’s tongue wormed around her asshole. “That’s it baby girl, stick your tongue in Mommy’s asshole”. Britney continued to work her long tongue up her mother’s ass, as her mother began rubbing at her own clit. “Don’t stop” panted her mother, “no matter what happens, keep your tongue in Mommy’s asshole until I tell you to stop”, she almost yelled at her daughter. Danielle’s orgasm was quickly approaching. Britney had to hold on to her mother’s hips in order to keep her tongue lodged in her asshole. Then with a keening wale, her mother began to shudder and cum. Pulses of female cum sprayed from Danielle’s cunt into Britney’s face. Danielle was a squirter, which is one of the reason’s Daddy had chosen her. And now she was squirting on her young daughter’s face, as the little girl had her long tongue jammed into her mother’s ass. Like a good girl, Britney closed her eyes and continued to tongue her mother as the spray on her face stopped.
“Oh such a good girl, you are such a special good girl for Mommy”, her mother panted, as she dropped her feet to the floor and dragged her daughter’s face up from her ass to her clit. “Now suck on Mommy’s clit until she falls asleep baby girl”, she said, holding her daughter’s mouth to her engorged clit as she fully reclined in Daddy’s chair and shut her eyes. Britney latched her mouth onto her mother’s clit and sucked on it as her mother shuddered through several smaller orgasms, occasionally sending her tongue downward to lick up her mother’s cum from inside her drooling cunt. Finally, her mother’s steel grip on the sides of her head after a fairly powerful orgasm had rocked her body. She must have convulsed through a dozen orgasms over the past hour. Britney’s jaw and tongue were screaming in agony as she lifted her head off the abused cunt that had bore her.
Mommy looked down in abject bliss at the wet cum covered face of her daughter. “you did great baby, now go grab Mommy’s phone for me”. The tired pre-teen retrieved her mothers’ phone, as she pointed Britney back between her legs.
“Just a little more baby girl”, she said, suck on Mommy’s clit again for just a second.. okay, now look into Mommy’s eyes pretty girl”, Britney looked up, her mother’s clit drawn into her sweet little mouth as she heard a click, her mother had just taken a picture of her sweet daughter, face covered in cum and mouth attached to her mother’s clit.