I discovered my sisters new Fans

I discovered my sisters new Fans

I discovered my sisters new Fans

I took a push and cruised down the street. It was 4 PM, and the sun was beating down upon me. I was drenched in sweat, and my hair streamed behind me. I had been skateboarding since early in the morning, and I was now heading back home.

My older sister worked as a waitress at an exclusive restaurant in downtown LA. Shortly after she turned nineteen, she moved out. With her looks, there were plenty of men vying for her attention. I knew that personally since my friends usually asked about her.

Last night, Mom had told me that she would move back today. She apparently fought with her friend, and they split up. It was tough already paying the rent while being two but impossible on her own. I wondered what they’d fought over because, to my knowledge, my sister was tight with Christy, and they’d known each other since high school.

I cruised down the neighborhood until my home was in sight. Right in front of me, my sister hopped out of the Uber. She got out two duffel bags and dumped them near our driveway. She wore ripped mini jeans and a white crop top. Her long, golden hair swayed in the gentle breeze as she tried to push her hair behind her ears. Her boobs sat high and firm on her chest, straining against her tight top. Blessed with Mom’s beauty, she was as gorgeous as a girl could be. She was the type of girl who made other girls green with envy and made men turn their heads.

As soon as she heard the wheels of my skateboard, she looked up at me, and a smile blossomed on her face.

“Alina,” I said and jumped off my board.

“Hi,” she said, smiling so her dimples showed. She opened up her arms and invited me for a sibling hug.

“Uhm … I have to warn you, I’m sweaty and I have some bruises.”

“I don’t give a damn,” she said playfully while giving me a look. “It feels like I haven’t hugged you in ages.”

I yielded. I fell into her arms, and she wrapped them around me tightly. She wasn’t shy about pressing her beautiful bust to my chest, a bit more intimately than she usually did.

She let out a sigh of relief. “It feels so great to hold you,” she said, sounding relieved to see me. We hadn’t seen each other since Christmas.

“A bit too tight, sis,” I said.

She loosened her embrace a little. “Better?” she asked.

“Perfect,” I said. I wasn’t sure where to put my hands. Every part of her was like a sexual landmine. For the first time while embracing her, I felt my cock stir. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of her breasts or her orchid perfume, but they sure didn’t help either.

She broke the hug, and I looked into her blue eyes. She had the perfect bow-turned lips, painted glossy and strawberry pink. She also wore eyeliner and mascara, but not too much. It was just the icing on the cake.

“Should we go inside?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said and glanced at her bags. “Let me take one for you.”

“Ugh, you’re a lifesaver,” she said with a hand over her heart. “My shoulder is already aching.”

I hoisted one up onto my shoulder. “Weighs less than my backpack.”

As I walked up to the door, she looked worriedly at my bruised arm. “Christ, Alex, what happened to your arm?”

“I battled some stairs earlier … But it’s all good.”

“It doesn’t look all good to me,” she said and studied my arm. “It looks like a wound and not some bruises … Can I clean it for you?”

“Sure,” I said. I helped her lift her duffel bags to her bedroom, and she opened the door with a sigh.

“I guess I’m back here again,” she said.

“Why the sigh? Don’t you miss it?”

“I’ve missed you and Mom,” she admitted, looking around her bedroom as memories probably flooded her. “But it’s kind of a downgrade. I didn’t think I would move back two years ago.”

I patted her shoulder. “Life happens,” I told her.

“It sure does,” she said. “Just dump them on the floor. I just want to get some fresh air and clean your wound.”

Descending the stairs, we went outside to the terrace and slumped down on the sun lounger. Alina snatched the first aid kit and came outside, her breasts lightly jiggling inside her bra. She sat on the edge of my sun lounger. She removed any visible dirt and debris from the wound and used mild soap to clean it. Then she bandaged it and patted my hand.

“Looks so much better. You need to be careful. I can’t stand it when you get hurt.”

“Chill,” I said.

“I’m not gonna chill,” she said. “I remember when you broke your arm. Mom and I spent the entire week with you at the ER.”

I remembered that too. “Enough about me,” I said. “What’s going on with you? I honestly didn’t expect you to come back.”

“I had a fight with Christy,” she said and sighed. “I can’t live with her any longer.”

“I’m sorry about that,” I said and gave her a sympathetic look. “Do you mind telling me?”

“I won’t go into details, but we had a little side gig going on, and I did most of the work, and that’s where it started. You can’t really embark on adventures without having someone who shares your vision.”

“I feel you on that one,” I said.

I made room for her, and we shared the sun lounger like we usually would. She raked her fingers through my hair. “It’s grown so long. Why don’t you cut it?”

I shivered with pleasure as she ran her fingers over my scalp. “It’s not that long,” I said.

“It’s growing past your shoulders. Everyone knows that shoulder-length hair is the hottest.”

I exchanged glances with her. “Fine, but only if you’ll cut it since you know more about a man’s looks than I do.”

She beamed. “That’s a deal,” she said and looked around. “Where’s Luna?”

“We broke up,” I said and scratched my neck.

“Who broke up with who?” she asked and looked at me curiously.

“It was me… She accused me of cheating and started getting paranoid, so in the end, I said goodbye.”

“Oh,” she said, her smile fading. “I hate girls like that. Girls should be able to share a man.”

I laughed. “Where the hell do I find girls like that? If you know any, sign me up.”

“I’ve known plenty,” she said and giggled. “But seriously, you’ll find someone better. Just give it time.” She ruffled my hair and drew in a deep breath. “You sure are sweaty.”

“Let me take a shower. I don’t want to gross you out.”

She took my hand. “Baloney. You’re my brother, so it’s fine, but as a boyfriend, it wouldn’t be fine. Big difference.”

“I gotcha,” I said. “But I would have taken a shower anyway.”

She let go of my hand. “Make sure to use the Victoria’s Secret So Sexy shampoo.”

“So Sexy?” I asked her with a grin. “Is that what it’s called?”

“Uh, yeah? It’s the most popular shampoo.”

“I’m assuming for girls.”

“No,” she said firmly. “It’s for you too. Not only girls are sexy; boys are too.”

“Fine … where’s this Victoria’s Secret, and what’s so secret about it?”

“The secret is that it will make you sexy,” she said playfully. “I’m just joking. It’s just the name of the brand.”

“I get it now, but I still don’t have any.”

“I have some in my duffel bag that you carried. Just go and take it. A gift from me.”

“Thanks. Give me a minute.”

“For a shower, it should be thirty minutes at least,” she said.

“Yeah, for girls.”

“I want to pillow fight you so badly,” she said with a grin that infected me.

I laughed. “Bring it on, after my shower. You know I’ll win.”

“In your dreams,” she said and blew me a raspberry.

I went inside and ascended the stairs. I opened her bedroom door, and my eyes bounced from duffel bag to duffel bag. They looked identical, and I couldn’t remember which one I carried. I just chose one, pulled the zipper, and a scent of pure femininity billowed up to my face. I felt a sudden warmth and drew in a deep breath. “It’s like a garden of roses,” I murmured. My sister smells as sweet as fruit, that’s for sure.

I peered inside and saw a bunch of panties, bikinis, and bras. I felt something oddly erotic looking at her clothes. Some of her panties were used too, judging by the fact that some were folded and some were crumpled. I gently moved the pile of her clothes aside, trying to see if her So Sexy shampoo was somewhere there. Then I discovered lingerie and a tripod. I didn’t pay attention to the tripod, but the lingerie caught me off guard. I knew our mother had those, but I didn’t know my sister had started wearing them too.

I kept looking around a little bit longer till I touched something soft and sticky. It was the tip of a dildo. My eyes widened, and I gently moved her clothes aside. There wasn’t just one kind of sex toy, but several of them, vibrators, clit stimulators, dual stimulators, anal beads, butt plugs, nipple clamps, remote vibrators, kegel balls and several dildos.

“Wow,” I mouthed to myself. I started playing a film in my head, seeing her use them, sliding them in and out of her. I started feeling my cock stir, a type of taboo arousal that was completely foreign to me.

I moved to the other bag and opened it. I saw a toiletry bag and another filled with shampoos, soaps, and makeup. “Why the hell does she need so many?” I asked myself as I searched for the So Sexy shampoo.

It was something I’d never understand about girls. Snatching the bottle, I closed the bag and went into the bathroom. As I undressed, I noticed my cock was almost at full mast. I couldn’t get her lingerie and vibrators out of my head. Why did she need so many sex toys? She must be horny as hell. I thought I was bad, masturbating twice a day, but I couldn’t compete with her.

I turned on the shower. I stepped into the warm water. I popped the shampoo bottle open and lathered it onto my hair. I had to focus on the task at hand, so I washed my hair and body, massaging the soapy lather into my skin, trying to get my mind off the unexpected discovery in her room. But the images of her with those sex toys couldn’t be shaken. My arousal only grew stronger.

I finished my shower, and I took a towel and dried myself. I regretted not masturbating. I didn’t want her to see my boner, and it was difficult to hide since it was way thicker than average.

When I was dry, I went into my bedroom, choosing jeans shorts that were a bit baggier and a shirt that wasn’t too tight. I descended the stairs, and she sat in the shade, waiting for me. She crooked her finger, and I approached her. She drew in a deep breath. “That’s way better,” she said.

“Am I sexy now?” I joked with her.

“One hundred percent,” she said. “But you would have been sexier with tighter clothes.”

“Uh,” I said, scratching my neck. “For another day.”

“Can you do me a favor?” she asked sweetly.

“Sure,” I said, eager to do something for her.

“Can you help me apply sunscreen?” she asked. “There are some spots that I can’t reach by myself. And I want to wear a bikini.”

“Without a doubt,” I said.

She jumped to her feet and held her finger up. She ran up to her room, and I sat back and waited. It sure started to feel a bit different having her here. I had forgotten how it was earlier, but I didn’t remember checking her out the way I did now. These teases made it feel a bit unusual, and then there was the discovery on top of it.

My sister descended the staircase, her long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. She wore a bright red string bikini, her toned figure and the outer parts of her breasts on display for me to see.

“Catch,” she said playfully and tossed the sunscreen bottle to me. I caught it in my hands, and she lay down on the sun lounger, flashing me her sexy butt. Thank God, I chose the baggy pants. I shook the bottle and popped it open, releasing a strong coconut scent. I filled my hands with sunscreen and looked at my sister, admiring her toned body. I gently started on her back, noticing how smooth and velvety her skin was.

I traced my fingers down her spine, following the curve of her back, while her body relaxed under my touch. “Your skin is as smooth as a baby’s,” I said.

“Yours could have been too if you didn’t get hurt all the time,” she said.

“I hear you,” I said and rubbed it over her shoulders. I continued to apply the sunscreen, working my way along her arms, feeling the softness of her skin and the subtle warmth of her body beneath me. I couldn’t help but think about how beautiful she looked and how much I admired her.

Then I continued down her body, reaching the borders of her ass. I slowed down and became a bit nervous.

“Don’t be shy,” she encouraged me. “Take some on the outer part of my butt and down my thighs.”

I chuckled. “Alright,” I said. I had a perfect view of her ass that was symmetric and slightly bubbly. I gave her buns an extra massage before continuing lower down her thighs and to her petite feet. “Is that alright?”

“Yeah, but you have to do the front of my body too,” she said. She turned around, her hair spilling out over her body. We shared a glance, and I filled my hands with sunscreen again. “You’ve got strong hands.”

I flexed my arms with a chuckle and started on her beautiful legs.

She sighed in relief. “You treat me like a princess,” she said. “I feel so much better already.”

“Free from drama?”

“Uh-huh,” she said, nodding. “This is exactly what I needed—Quality time with you.”

I slowed down, wanting this to last a bit longer. I slowly moved up to her toned waist, and looked at her breasts before flicking my eyes to hers, seeing an impending grin. “You can do your breasts yourself,” I told her.

“What made you think I would ask you?” she asked flirtatiously.

I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said, moving up her neck and shoulders. “You let me do your butt, after all.”

“But that’s impossible to reach,” she said.

“So,” I said, dusting off my hands. “You good?”

“Thank you,” she said. She sat up and opened her arms to me. I couldn’t resist another hug. I was just a bit worried she would feel my hard-on as she pressed herself to me. I couldn’t recall ever embracing her while she was just wearing a bikini, but the skin-to-skin contact felt incredibly good. She broke the hug and drew in a deep breath. “You smell so sexy.”

I laughed with her. “They nailed it with the name,” I said. I felt overjoyed to be with her, but at that moment, I reminded myself that I had a bunch of videos to edit and I had to update our web shop on top of it. “Is it okay if I go upstairs and get some work done? We can talk after dinner. I have to get it done as soon as possible.”

“Do what you got to do,” she said, placing her hand on my shoulder. “As long as you don’t stress.”

“Well, I forgot about it when I saw you. Mom should be home soon anyway.”

“Don’t feel guilty about it,” she said, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. “But I want you for the evening.”

“You’ll have me,” I said.


The following day, the skate session didn’t go well. Dan came with the same lousy promise that he’d pay me the next day, and none of them had been helpful. I called them out on their bullshit, but it seemed they’d made up their minds: laziness was more important than their future.

I decided to make up my mind as well and leave early, saying this was the end of our friendship. They hardly seemed to care, which made me regret ever calling them my friends.

As I drove home, I was still angry, not just at them but at myself for hanging out with them for so long. I should have realized a long time ago that it was a major mistake, but better late than never.

I hopped outside. I fumbled for my keys and locked open the door. I dumped my bag on the couch and went upstairs. I needed a warm shower to clean myself and relax. I swung the bathroom door open and jumped at the threshold. My sister sat on the shower seat with her legs spread wide open and a clit stimulator on her mound, vibrating. My jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. We looked each other in the eyes. Then I looked at her privates, seeing a wet, symmetric slit beneath her sex toy and then I looked back at her. She had a tripod in front of her with her phone attached to it.

“I am … sorry,” I said, fumbling for words.

“It’s okay,” she said, her blush slowly spreading up her cheeks.

I stepped back and wasn’t sure what to say. I closed the door and went into my room, closing the door. “Wow,” I mumbled. I was speechless. I went from being livid to seeing my older sister masturbating. I was no longer angry, that was for sure. I couldn’t get the nude images of her out of my mind. She was … sexy, beautiful and gorgeous. I could use every adjective to describe her. Although, she earned the sexy one today.

I just realized she had filmed herself on top of it. I sat down on my computer chair and stared at the wall. Eventually, she stepped out of the bathroom and knocked on my door. “Uhm, Alex, can I come in?” she asked shyly.

“Sure,” I said, admiring her courage for wanting to talk to me after what I’d witnessed.

She slowly opened the door, now with only a towel wrapped around her, bringing her honeyed scent with her. She sat down on the edge of my bed, a hint of blush still present on her face.

“You didn’t hear me pull in or walk up the stairs?”

She shook her head. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”

I waved my hand dismissively. “It’s fine,” I said. “I thought you were out with Olivia.”

“I was, but she got a tummy ache, so her mother drove me back here. And you? I thought you had plans too.”

“Well, I didn’t get along with them, so I headed back here instead.”

“I see,” she said, drawing in a deep breath. “Uhm, did you only see me or something else?”

I gave her a look and understood what she meant. “I did see the camera.”

“Okay … I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of me. It’s just that I don’t want to work for someone else, and I don’t like being a waitress that much.”

“That’s fine, I won’t judge you,” I said. “I was just caught off guard seeing you nude.” And how beautiful you looked, I wanted to say but didn’t.

“Thank you,” she said, a smile curving on her lips. “I also love sex … So that’s why I started doing this.”

“What is this exactly?”

She took another deep breath and looked down at her hands. “I’ve been doing OnlyFans. It’s not just about the money, though it helps. It’s about doing something I love doing.”

I nodded, trying to process everything. “So, you’re doing this because you want to, not because you have to?”

“Exactly,” she said, her eyes meeting mine. “It’s my choice. I enjoy it, and it gives me freedom. But I understand if it makes you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this.”

“It’s just a lot to take in,” I admitted. “But if it’s what you want and it makes you happy, then I support you.”

“Thank you, Alex,” she said softly. “It means a lot to me.”

I smiled, feeling a bit of the tension ease. “Just, maybe next time, lock the door.”

She laughed lightly. “I will. Lesson learned.”

We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, the awkwardness slowly dissipating. It was a strange situation, but we were siblings, and we had always supported each other. This was no different.

“You don’t think I’m a slut?”

“No… but it’s kind of hot,” I told her.

She beamed. “Thank you for being understanding.”

“Is this what you fought Christy over?” I asked.

She nodded. “We had two accounts, one duo and one solo. I had way more followers than her, and she started getting jealous and did everything she could to sabotage me.”

“I’m sorry about that,” I said. “So, are you still working as a waitress?”

“Yes,” she said with a sigh. “Deep inside, I don’t want to, but I can’t make a living off OnlyFans alone.”

“I’ve seen some girls pull impressive numbers,” I told her.

“From their asses,” she said with a chuckle. “Everyone lies online.”

“There must be successful girls out there.”

“Yeah, but you only hear about the stars,” she pointed out. “So far, I only make like two thousand bucks a month.”

“That’s not bad for a side gig,” I told her.

“I’m stoked for those numbers, but I want more.”

“You want to do this full-time, don’t you?”

She slowly nodded, watching my expression carefully. “Yeah… that would be a dream come true.”

“I see,” I said, unsure of what to say next. It had been a while since we had such an intimate discussion.

We shared a smile and another pause until she spoke again. “I wanted to talk to you about something. Now that you’ve seen me, uhm, you have a great camera and know how to film stuff.”

“I can already put the puzzle pieces together,” I said, feeling a bit shocked that she would suggest this. “You want me to help you?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“I’m not sure… I’m still kind of processing… seeing you nude.”

“We’ve seen each other nude countless times,” she pointed out.

“But we were kids,” I countered. “It’s a bit different now.”

“Only if you say so,” she said.

“What exactly do you want me to help you with?” I asked.

“Filming, producing… maybe marketing,” she said. “I mean, you’re a guy, so you should know what turns you on the most.”

“If you weren’t my sister, I wouldn’t need to think twice about this.”

“So you want to?” she said, giving me a hopeful look.

I thought over it, and I knew the opportunity was too good to go to waste. “I would love to help you.”

She gasped and attacked me with a sudden hug. I was completely unprepared for it. She threw her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around me. She pressed her beautiful rack to my chest, and while she was only covered with a towel, I could feel her nipples stiffening against my chest, sending shivers down my spine. “Oh, thank you, thank you!” she said, squeezing me harder.

“Alina… let me breathe!”

“Sorry,” she said. She let go of the hug so we could look at each other, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of happiness. “I’m just overjoyed.”

“I get that,” I said. “Well, I have to see what you’re doing. Only then can I come up with ideas for improvements and know how and what to film. But keep in mind that I know how to film, edit, and take photos. When it comes to advertising adult stuff, I’m a bit behind.”

“You forgot an important part,” she said and touched my chest with a grin. “You know how to advertise your own brand.”

“Adult stuff is a different beast,” I pointed out.

“What you know there can be applied here too,” she said and gently lifted both her tits, deepening the cleavage.

“I know,” I said. My eyes fell on her breasts for a second before they bounced back to her eyes.

“You also know what turns you on,” she pointed out and let go of her springy breasts. The way she played with them made me want to rip the towel away from her.

I looked at her when she said that, and I wondered why she didn’t feel weird about it. “I sure do.”

“I’m willing to split the pay evenly.”

“Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves,” I told her. “We can speak about that later, but for now, just show me, and don’t think for a second I’d like to see you nude… This is just work-related.”

She gave me a flirtatious look. “Yeah, right.”

“I heard your playful tone,” I told her and jokingly wagged my finger at her.

“Wrong, it’s always there, especially when I’m happy.” With her sticky hand, she took mine and led me to her bedroom. “I’ll just put my bra on.”

“Sure,” I said.

I was about to leave, but she stopped me. “Hold up, where are you going?”

“I thought you needed to dress,” I told her.

“You can still be here,” she said. “You’ll see me nude anyway.”

“Right,” I said and realized she had a point. She unwrapped the towel and tossed it onto her bed. She was left in her pink panties and nothing on the top. She went to the wardrobe, giving me a glimpse of the sides of her breasts, her nipples erect and suckable. They had the perfect teardrop shape—full at the bottom and slightly narrowed at the top. It wasn’t only her breasts that mesmerized me but also her long and slightly tanned legs. I couldn’t help but admire her beauty. She chose a bra and turned to me, making me come face to face with her boobs that jiggled with every twist and turn.

“Mind giving me a helping hand?”

I jumped to my feet and went behind her. I had hooked bras on girls before, but it felt way more special to do so on my sister. “Is that alright?”

“Perfect… You’ve definitely done this before,” she said and tossed her hair over her shoulders. She’d chosen a push-up bra that generously lifted her breasts.

We sat down together on the edge of her bed. She reached for her iPad, and we exchanged glances. She logged onto her OnlyFans account, and it felt like slow motion as the screen loaded. I realized this would be a taboo sexual gold mine. After it was done loading, she handed me the tablet. The screen became filled with thumbnails of Alina in various provocative poses. I scrolled down her spicy content. Each photo and video clip showcased her in different outfits and settings, always highlighting her best features. In some she was playing with toys and some others were bathroom pics with a naughty smile. I couldn’t help but notice how hot the photos were, but I also saw room for improvement. The lighting could be better, and some angles weren’t the most flattering.

I clicked on a video where she seductively masturbated with a dildo till it was drenched. She slipped it into her mouth, sucking on it before pushing it inside her again. It was getting difficult to concentrate. “We can work on the lighting and angles. Maybe even set up some themed shoots to keep things fresh and interesting.”

“I like the sound of that,” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I knew you’d be the perfect partner for this.”

It was insanely hot to see her in every photo. My cock started to thicken again, and I knew it would do so later when we started working. I tapped a photo with her privates up close. My eyes widened, as I stared at her slit for longer than necessary.

“Damn … Your pussy is beautiful.”

“You think so?” she asked, her cheeks pinkening like the vagina that I was looking at.

“Without a doubt,” I said and studied how symmetric it was. The lips weren’t too big, just the perfect amount of puffiness. She looked sweeter than a peach, and my mouth salivated. “You’ve done a great job. I mean, you look hot and all, but there is room for improvement. Especially the photos since they’re a bit grainy.”

“I know,” she said. “But I can’t afford a proper camera, and before this, I’ve never even taken a professional photo, just selfies. I know you’ve been interested in filming and cameras for more than a decade.”

“That’s true,” I said as I reminisced over the time my parents gave me my first camera. “Do you do PPV content as well?”

“Uhm, no, I’m not sure what to offer,” she said with a shrug.

“You have to be creative, and there’s always consumers willing to pay for exclusive content, especially with a body like yours.”

“I would rather that you say we,” she corrected me and knocked on my shoulder.

I patted her thigh. “We have to be creative,” I said and glanced at her. “You happy now?”

“Only if my photos make you hard,” she boldly said.

I gave her a look.

“Don’t give me that look … Why can’t we talk about sex?” she asked.

“We shouldn’t be stepping over that line.”

“Which line?”

“The genetic one,” I said, making her laugh.

“You know, I hate laws. Even for a side gig, I have to fill a bunch of stupid tax reports.”

“I feel you with that one,” I said.

“Sometimes I wished we could be free and do whatever we want.”

I agreed with all her words. We were siblings after all. “Well, Mom doesn’t come home till late in the evening, so we might as well shoot some photos while we can.”

“Do you want to?” she asked me eagerly.

I nodded. “If you do … I don’t have anything better to do. I usually get more ideas while working too. It happens when I get into the flow.”

“Okay,” she said. “I’m ready to take my panties off when you are.”

“I’m not wearing any panties,” I said.

She burst out giggling. “I didn’t think of that one properly. I meant I’m ready when you are.”

“Let me get my equipment while you find something sexy to wear.”

She beamed and got right to work. I headed into my bedroom and found the lighting equipment and also the camera. I returned shortly after, and my eyes landed on my sister wearing a red, crotchless lingerie with open cups, leaving nothing to the imagination. My face flushed as she gave me a seductive smile and playfully tossed aside a pair of lacy panties. “I won’t be needing these.”

It was something different seeing her nude in front of me compared to on a camera, and she looked even sexier before my eyes as her lustrous blonde hair adorned her frame. I was lost for words, my eyes sweeping over her.

“How do I look?” she asked and twirled on her foot, so her blonde hair fluttered.

“Gorgeous,” I said. It was getting hot in here.

“Give me a sec, I’ll put some makeup on.”

“Sure thing,” I said. I set up the light equipment and pulled the curtains together.

She stepped out of the bathroom with rosy lips, perfectly lined eyes, and thick, dark lashes. The makeup added a finishing touch to her already stunning appearance. “Better?”

“It’s like the icing on the cake.”

“I prefer pies … ” she said and reached down to her crotch, “creampies.”

Her comment made me chuckle. “I prefer fruits … Peaches and mangoes to be precise.”

We ended up giggling. “I love your laugh … Now what do you want to see?” she asked and twirled her hair on her finger. Truth be told, just seeing her nude was all that I wanted.

“Let’s try to redo a couple of the photos you shot. I also have an idea, skip the dildos and toys for some photos and let’s go for some household objects.”

“I’m down.”

“Should we dive in,” I said and held up the camera.

“This time, not we but my fingers will,” she said and waggled her eyebrows.

I was surprised when she hopped onto the bed and spread her legs for me. I thought at first it would feel a bit awkward to take photos of my nude sister, but I ended up becoming more aroused than earlier. It felt so natural to work with her as well.

“Stick your finger in a bit deeper,” I told her.

She spread her legs and pushed her finger into her slit. “Like that?”

“Perfect,” I said.

She let out a soft moan as she slid her finger in and out, adjusting her position to make herself more comfortable. “That’s some great pics,” I said and snapped some more as she showed her wet fingers into her mouth.

“Do you think I should take off my lingerie?” she asked after sucking her fingers.

“Not yet,” I said. “Make some dildos wet first.”

“I’m super comfy here, can you grab the box for me? It’s in the closet.”

I went to the closet and opened it. I thought she would have it hidden somewhere, but it was right in front of me. “Uh, you aren’t afraid of our mother finding it?”

“Why?” she asked me funnily. “Our mother has dildos too.”

“How do you know?” I asked and glanced over my shoulder.

“Because I borrowed the first dildo I used from her.”

“No comment,” I said, making her laugh. I reached for the purple one, and based upon the consistency, I could tell that she hadn’t properly washed it. Although, I considered her juices perfectly clean. “Catch.”

I tossed it to her, and she caught it. “Spread your legs a bit more,” I told her and got so close I could feel her honeyed scent. She made my mouth salivate and my cock was about to break through the zipper. “That’s perfect. Make sure to look horny now.”

“I don’t have to, I am,” she said. She wasn’t kidding with that one as she rubbed the dildo along her pussy, flitting her eyes to the camera lens. She definitely wasn’t a novice, knowing how to keep eye contact with the camera. I took multiple photos. My favorite was when she slid the dildo deep inside, and she let out a moan. I captured the perfect moment and gave her a thumbs-up. Her face was flushed and her breaths were heavy as she continued to pleasure herself with the dildo. I couldn’t help but notice the desire in her eyes, the same desire that I felt for her.

“It’s unbelievable how sexy you look,” I said, as I started feeling a subtle pain in both of my testicles.

“You’re the sweetest,” she said.

“I think we can film some masturbation scenes too. I promise your fans will appreciate higher quality films more than the grainy ones.”

“Most girls I follow just use their phones though.”

“And how many fans do they have?”

“Touché … Not many,” she admitted.

She went back into position, and she spread her legs wide open for me. I found the perfect angle and smashed the rec button. She started gently rubbing herself. Her eyes locked onto the camera lens, creating an intense, intimate atmosphere as I watched her fingers glide along her flesh. The moment she slid her finger inside herself, her eyes rolled back and she groaned, clearly savoring her pleasure. I wanted to reach out and touch her there, to feel her heat and the quiver of her muscles as she reached closer to climax.

As she continued to pleasure herself, the rhythm of her hips became more pronounced, and I could see the excitement building in her face. Her breaths quickened, her chest heaving, and her eyes shone with lust. My cock throbbed against the zipper, and the scent of her sweet flavors filled the room along with the sound of her masturbating.

I watched in awe as her wet fingers danced along her sensitive flesh, stroking and sliding inside her. Her skin glistened with a sheen of sweat, mingling with the honeyed evidence of her arousal, spreading across her thighs and abdomen. My cock throbbed harder than ever, my body reacting to the raw sensuality of the scene before me.

And then, as if all the tension had been building up to this moment, she let out an earth-shattering moan, her hips bucking wildly, and her body shivering in a powerful orgasm. As she came down from her climax, she collapsed onto the bed, her chest heaving.

My eyes widened as I witnessed my older sister orgasm for the first time in my life. “Geeze,” I said. I lowered the camera from my face and saw her cheeks pinkening. I felt sweat prickling my neck and dribbling down the sides of my head, and now it felt like two knots were tightening so tight in my testicles that they were about to burst. I squeezed my eyes shut and rolled to the side, dropping the camera.

“Alex, gosh, what’s wrong with you!” she said and broke her horny character immediately. She rolled me over with her sticky fingers while I squirmed in pain, shaking me. “Alex!”

“I hear you,” I said. “Help me up.” I reached her my hand, and she helped me to my feet.

I hunched over, clutching my nether region in pain, as I made my way towards the bed. With a heavy sigh, I plopped down and closed my eyes.

“Is it blue balls?” she asked and shook my shoulders.

“It could be,” I said.

“Mom’s right, you’re stubborn as hell … You don’t leave me with any choice.” She dropped to her knees. Acting swiftly, she unbuckled the belt and unzipped the zipper.

“What are you doing?”

“I can’t watch you in pain. If it is your balls, let me relieve you,” she said.

“Fine,” I yielded. I felt a pain unlike any other, so I couldn’t resist her. After seeing her masturbating nude, I wanted this too, but it felt so taboo and forbidden. She was my older sister, and we’d grown up together.

“Relax,” she said in a gentle tone, patting my thigh. She was quick and experienced. I rose a little, so she could pull down my shorts and then my underwear till they fell to my ankles. I sat back down, and she brought out my erection.

Her eyes widened as she studied it. “Good lord,” she said and stifled a chuckle. “You’re fucking big.”

“I’ve heard that one before,” I told her. Suddenly, as my manhood was in her hands, the pain subsided. I couldn’t explain, but I knew the remedy was close. I watched as it unfolded in slow motion. My older sister wrapped her hands around my manhood, preparing to relieve me from this pain.

“Do you want me to be quick, or are you feeling better?”

“I feel a bit better,” I said.

“I’ll just lick it and then I’ll suck you,” she said with a gentle smile, reminding me of how much she loved me.

“Okay,” I said.

She stuck her tongue out and licked the precum. When her tongue hit my shaft, I shivered with pleasure. It was just a gentle touch, but it felt so intense. She slid her tongue up and down before pausing at the head. She swirled her tongue around and stroked me with her soft hand. She flitted her eyes to mine, and no words were needed. She opened her mouth and engulfed the tip, making eye contact all the way. I sighed in relief, seeing the forbidden scene of her mouth covering my cock.

I reached down and ran my fingers through her blonde hair, feeling the soft strands tangling around my fingers. Our bodies were now so close as we shared this taboo moment. The sight of my sister releasing me from my pain was too much to bear, and I could feel the waves of ecstasy building up within me.

Cupping her neck, I knew I couldn’t last much longer. As the intense pleasure continued, I shuddered and groaned, struggling to control myself. My sister continued her pace, never breaking eye contact or slowing down.

“I-I’m gonna cum,” I panted, my body tensing up as the pleasure peaked. Alina smiled up at me, her eyes filled with understanding and love.

Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, she sucked harder and increased her strokes. She knew what I needed, and it drove me over the edge.

I let out a powerful groan as I came, my body shaking uncontrollably. Her lips tightened around my shaft as I flooded her mouth with my rich cum. I let out a long, steady moan as my cock twitched in her forbidden mouth. She didn’t come off me, still sucking and stroking until every last drop fell down her gullet. Finally, she released me, her smile wider now.

I collapsed back onto her bed, panting heavily. I didn’t know what to say or feel. It was an intense mix of pleasure, guilt, and arousal that left me feeling overjoyed. My sister continued to stroke me gently, her eyes filled with concern and sympathy.

“Are you okay?” she asked in a low voice.

I raked my fingers through her hair. “Yeah … I feel a thousand times better.”

“It warms my heart to see you pleased,” she said, stroking my thigh as my cock softened in front of her. “No more pain?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head.

“So, that wasn’t so bad was it?”

“That was the best orgasm of my life,” I pointed out.

“You deserved it,” she said with a chuckle. She pulled up my underwear and shorts, buckling the belt for me. “You’re sweaty.”

“I can take a shower,” I said and wiped my forehead. “We might as well take a break.”

“How about some bathroom pics and then we can take a shared shower?” she asked.

“My sweat won’t bother you?”

She shook her head. “You’re my brother, so I don’t care. As long as you aren’t too numbed from that blowjob.”

“No, it’s fine,” I said. As I fantasized about lathering her in soap, it stirred my cock back to life.

The full story is 60k words long and contains way more than a blowjob. You can find it on my website: Sister’s Pink Secret + nude art of Alina included!

Thank you for reading.

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