Perfect Bdoy Cassidy Gets Raped

Perfect Bdoy Cassidy Gets Raped

Perfect Bdoy Cassidy Gets Raped

My desire has grown over the years being a pedophile to do something I know could turn out very bad.My daughter is grown and has no contact with.After years and years of molesting her since she was old enough to walk, she’s gone along with me wife.But my desires are still very alive and if I don’t taste a little girls love juices seeping from her little cunt soon, I’ll lose my fucking mind.
It’s been almost 15 years since my wife and daughter left.Ive did all the exposing my cock to little girls in public and did get a gratifying feeling but the desire yo taste a child’s pussy is all I think about.Every night before I try to sleep I fantasise about the first time I tasted a little girls pussy.There is no greater feeling then to watch a girl have her first orgasm as she squirts her cum into a man’s mouth.My wife and daughter were complicent in my molesting which later turned into me having sex with my daughter as my wife watched.Those days are over and gone so it’s time for drastic moves.
Skipping ahead about a year into this plan all the logistics are worked out,the victim is targeted, it’s time to put the plan into action.All of this is for sexual gratification and nothing more.My desires have turned dark and there is no coming back from this.
Social media made this so easy.A couple of fake accounts , some stolen pictures to fill my fake social media and i have my victim.A 11 year old girl named Cassidy.Shes beautiful profile says she’s 4’6″, 81lbs,Brown hair ,Hazel eyes,and loves sports.After secretly watching her house for almost 6 months I know the family comings and goings and where Cassidy is at all times.There is several places she is alone for hours but the best is Friday night football games,she always gets dropped off and is alone for almost 2 1/2 hours.If you don’t see the plan , the reader is nieve, I’m going to kidnap Cassidy tonight.After months of surveillance and planning its time.

Cassidy thinks I’m 12 and play football at a middle school over 2000 miles from her state of West Virginia.Ive worked hard to speak in chat how kids do and it worked Cassidy is none the wiser.Sicial media helped me learn all I need to know about Cassidy for this sexual crime to work.

West Virgina is a long way from Mexican Hat New Mexico where I have a very large underground home.It took me almost 10 years but my house is sound proof and not visible unless you know it’s there.Its a 2 1/2 day drive so the first challenge is get Cassidy as far away from her home as possible before her parents suspect something is wrong.

As usual Cassidys Mom drops her at the gate to the middle school football field.I follow Cassidy in and hope she does as she always had before.Cassidy will run to her locker inside the school and grab the clothes she has there and change from her little girl clothes to more reveling sexy outfit.Threw the gate in the some what dark hall of lockers she grabs her cloths and runs into the girls bathroom
Yes I have chloroform it wasn’t easy to get and it works my dumb ass tried it and received a nice pump knot on my head when I passed out.

As I enter the bathroom rag in hand soaked with the sleeping sauce I see Cassidy.No shirt on,no bra on about to slip a skimpy something Iver her head.Her little breast are maybe the size of a lemon cut in half , little dark brown nipples flat stomach just sexy and so ready to be fucked.

Soon as the door closed Cassidy looks up sees me rushing at her and let’s out a scream.Her scream maybe lasted 2 seconds and I had her.I wrapped one arm around her neck held her in a tight head lock.Soon as i had her I covered her nose and mouth with the chloroform soaked rag.It didn’t take long, she passed out completly limp.Quickly grabbing her clothes I put her shirt on her , grab her backpack grab Cassidy over my shoulder and leave.My head completly covered with a ski mask no visible skin for any camera to record I carry Cassidy out the opposite of the school.Into the woodline next to the school I make my way to my car parked at a closed down gas station about quarter mile from the school.
Cassidy safely in the back seat tied down I head out.Three hours to get as far from Cassidys home as possible.So far the plan is working perfect.The longest part of kidnapping is happening so stay calm and just drive not drawing attention.

As I drive I look back several times and seeing Cassidy’s legs has my mind going.I keeo telling myself no sex till I’m home but it’s so hard to not stop and just fuck her really quick and continue on.But I also know if I stop and someone hears her scream as I rape her then it’s over so I continue on.

The trip back home was long and more work then i had realised.I never Cassidy out of the car so she pissed herself several times.But we made it , the car is in the garage, Cassidy is in the safe room it’s time to fuck her.In the movies when a girl is kidnapped u always wonder why the criminal don’t fuck the girl right away.Im not waiting I kidnapped Cassidy solely for the purpose to fuck her over and over before I let her go and get another one.

As I open the safe room I hear Cassidy crying.Ive watched the news and there is a state wide search fer her but so far no real leads.The best lead they have is a man carrying Cassidys limp body out of the school into the woods.Im ready my cock is so hard just knowing soon I’ll be fucking an 11 year old girl.

Plenty of time and plenty of hard cock it going to be a long day for Cassidy.As I walk in she begins asking questions “Who are you?Where am I?Where is my Mom?Please don’t hurt me “.And she begins crying very hard.

So it begins “Listen to me, I’m going to give you some commands and I’ll only tell you one time if you don’t do as told ill use this and it won’t be nice.”Snapping a wide leather belt with my hands , Cassidy just crys more.
“Take all of your clothes off “I say to Cassidy.She stands there head down grinding her hands together but not stripping.I step forward and swing the belt hard as I can striking Cassidys legs.She drops to the floor holding the very bright red mark that instantly appeared on both of her legs.
“Again I’m commanding you, strip naked now or next time I’ll hit you 3 times”.Cassidy laid still until I stopped forward then she got up and slowly started to pull her shirt off.
“You better hurry the fuck up , I wanna see your pussy hurry uo”.I say to her as I snap the belt again.Quickly Cassidy pulls her shorts and panties down at same time , then pulls her shirt off.Now she stands before me completly nude , ready to be rapped.

“Spread your legs open wide then use both hands and spread your pussy open”.As said to her then snapping the belt.What Cassidy don’t know is she’s being videoed and recorded si I can send videos to her family showing what’s happening to her as it happens.Of course my voice will be a scary voice and my body from my stomach up will be pixilated.But my cock will be seen going in Cassidys 11 year old pussy getting filled with cum.

Cassidys does as commanded her little bald pussy is to much I have to fuck her.Ibgrab the camera and give her more commands.
“Lay on the cot on your back , spread your legs as wide as you can and ask me to fuck you”.I command Cassidy.She stands still and just stares at me crying not sure what to do.Placing the camera back on the tripod I step towards Cassidy ,grab her right arm and begin to whip her bare ass with the belt.Not easy swings , full on as hard as I can swing leaving bloody helps for her to see I’m 100% serious.Three very hard hits , I let go of Cassidys arm , her legs are quivering her hands are rubbing her bruised red bleeding strips on her ass and I command again.”Lay down on the cot,spread your legs as wide as you can and ask me to fuck you”.Soon as I finish what I said Cassidy laid down.

Her shaking legs spread open , actually very wide and she said “Fuck me”.I laugh and snap the belt and she says this time “Will you fuck me?”.Hearing her I get so excited and reply “Yes I will fuck you ,and so you know , your Mom and Dad will be watching you get fucked ,I’m going to send this event to them so they can see their little girl take a man’s cock in her pussy.

I straddle the cot, put lotion on my cock,reach down put lotion all over Cassidys pussy and lower down.As I get close I put one hand on her left tiny breast,guide my cock to her tiny cunt press against her opening and say “This is going to hurt” and stab inside her busting her cherry raming into her cervix without any mercy at all.Then I just held inside her feeling her little work trying to squeeze my modest 5 inch cock out of her , but it’s not working.All that is happening all he squirming and wiggling is doing is making my cock want to cum.

Reaching behind me i grab the camera and scan Cassidys body.Showing she’s naked and struggling crying being rapped by a strange man.Then I get a closeup view of my cock buried inside her 11 year old cunt.I pull back out almost all the way my cock covered in her blood and stab back inside her.Leaning down I remind Cassidy I still have the belt then I give her command as i whisper to her “Tell me to fuck you hard and cum in your pussy,say exactly like that”. I raised backup and start thrusting in and out easy but full length thrust.”Now ,remeber the belt “.I said to Cassidy.”Fuck me hard cum in me”, she said.I sat the camera on the table beside us ,grabbed both of Cassidys legs put them Iver my shoulders and started pile drive fucking her tiny pussy.

Cassidy was screaming bloody murder as I slam again and again into her cunt ,her little breast bouncing so fast it’s hard to see her hard nipples.Her body is starting to react to being fucked.Then I feel it , finally after all these years I’m gonna cum in a child.Thrusting in her hitting her cervix my cock explodes and I scream out “I’m cuming baby, I’m cuming in you just like you ask me”.My mind was racing I wanted to never stop cuming it felt so much better then jacking off.Stream after stream of cum filled her insides so full of cum.Grabbing the camera I pull out get a close up shot ifbher tiny cunt.Soon as my cock slipped out a large blob of my cum ran out of her body.Cassidy pulled her legs up off the floor trying to push away causing another large flow of cum squirt from her cunt.

I watched as my cum ran down across her little asshole puddling up under her ass.I stood over her milked my cock letting the last drops land in her little growing breast.Stopping the recoding I give Cassidy another command and tell her she better say it word for word.

Cassidy sitting up on the cot looks into the camera and tells her family what I made her say and tell them they have to do something as well.
“Mommy I’m OK, I’m with my friend.Daddy don’t worry I’m OK but I want you to watch my friend fuck me and jackoff watching me get fucked then send the video where he says.If you don’t jackoff for me I won’t come home .”

That night we fucked all night unlike how the movies portray a pretty girl being kidnapped and slept most of the next day.
Once I wokeup I emailed the video to my friend had him send it to the parents.My friend is another pedophile I get him young girls sent to his house he can fuck so he does anything I need.

A short letter opens as Cassidys Dad opens the PDF he just received.
I have your daughter. You won’t find her unless you do exactly as I command in the videos you are about to watch.Make sure everyone in the family watchs the video.I want no money I only want what is commanded in the video .If I don’t get a response within 3 hours your daughter will live out her days being rapped daily.

Cassidys Dad couldn’t get the video playing fast enough he was so worried.But what he seen made him feel sick.His daughter struck with a belt then made to strip naked.He couldn’t believe what he was watching.When the 3 hits to Cassidy little ass happened her Dadvscreamed out loud causing her Mom to rush in and see what is happening. She sees her daughter stand up ,lay on a cot ,open her legs then say “Will you fuck me”.The Mom grabs her husband “What the fuck is this ?Where did you get this ?”.

As Cassidys Mom ask question upon question a strange naked man appears his cock hard and he starts touching Cassidys pussy.Then her lowers down pushes his cock inside their 11 year old daughter.They hear the screams and watch as their daughter is being fucked.

It goes on for just a couple of minutes and the man screams that he is cuming.Both Mim and Dad are watching and crying as this man injects their little girl with his seed.He pulls out of their daughter and the sick fuck showed his cum leak from their baby.”How did this get here?Where is she ?Who is this man?

Then the part where Cassidy tells her Dad if he jackoff watching Cassidy get fucked this man will let me come home.Video it and send it back and he let’s me go,please do it she ended as the man said ,let’s fuck again.

The entire night of fucking was on video and sent to Cassidy’s parents.Cassidy’s Dad and Mom argued about the request as they watched their daughter get her tiny pussy abused over and over by a strangers cock.As the night went on and the parents argued the Mom noticed that her husband kept backing the video up and watching about a one minute clip of Cassidy laying legs spread and moaning.Cassidy’s body betrayed her and she had her first real orgasm while being fucked.Her Dad would watch as her tiny body tensed up ,her stomach got very tight,her back arched ,her hands both balled into fists ,toes curling back an forth very heavy breathing, then the orgasm.Cassidy shook and quivered and moaned uncontrollably as the strange man slammed in and out of her 11 year old pussy.

The Dad looks at Cassidy’s Mom and says ,”If you really want me to go threw with , I will do it.Make sure you get it on video I won’t do it again.”The Mom crys and agrees to video him jacking off.

An email arrives titled Daddy Jacking Off.The man makes Cassidy watch the video he wants this little girl to see her Dad squirting cum from watching Cassidy getting fucked.The volume is up very loud and the moans of Cassidy climaxing fill the room.First a camera shot of what her Dad is watching , then a closeup shot of Cassidys Dad stroking his cock.Doing just as instructed her Dad started slow , and as Cassidy started to react to being fucked he went faster, then faster, then faster saying “Fuck him baby , make Daddy cum,” and then rope after rope of cum fired from her Daddy’s cock onto the screen Cassidy was being viewed from.”I’m cuming baby, watch Daddy cum on your face Cassidy”.As commanded her Dad said all the nasty things he was to say.Cassidy couldn’t believe her eyes, her Daddy actually jacked off to a homemade porn of her being raped.

Cassidy was changed after the kidnapping and days of being raoed.Ine of the biggest changes , she started enjoying being fucked knowing her Daddy would watch.She was no longer Daddy’s little angel,she was now Daddy’s little shut.

That night Cassidy was chloroformed and drove away from her captive enclosure for many many hours to an airport near Las Vegas.Released about 2 miles from yhe airport ,given a ticket to an airport near her home and told if she talks to police before she lands her family will be killed.So Cassidy dud as instructed and flew home.

Big news of her release National News for over a week about her return.The abducted was never caught ,he intact already had his next victim groomed and ready for the kidnapping.Cassidy on the other hand is changed.She masturbates constantly playing over and over the video of her Daddy jacking off watching her climax.

It’s been months since Cassidy’s ordeal and she still masturbates almost non stop with no care of who sees her.What she does next will forever change her entire family,she ask her Dad if he will jackoff allowing her to watch as she finger fucks herself.Mom is gone to work, Dad is weak he has watched Cassidy climax 3 times in 2 hours, he can’t resist.He pulls his cock out,tells Cassidy to lay on the couch and spread her legs, gets between her legs, and inserts his cock in his 11 year old daughters pussy.It only took her Daddy a few pumps of her tiny cunt before he jerked out of her,grabbed his cock and began frantically stroking and spraying cum all over her belly and pussy.

By the time Cassidy was 14 she was pregnant with her Daddy’s baby , her Mom had moved out and was living with her lesbian lover allowing Cassidy to stay with her Daddy and now lover They would have a daughter that they would groom from day one so when she was ready her Daddy could also breed her.

Sorry i didntvm edit didn’t have time so try to figure it out.

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