horny dude banging amandas tiny holes

A sneaky video of a dad and daughter in the shower reveals a secret. The next day a conversation leads to an unexpectedly hot time.
I'll start by from the beginning with a little more detail.
It was a Friday night about 9pm and I was sitting out the front of my caravan scrolling through tiktok, when I saw a man and his daughter head into the communal showers. Taking the opportunity to capture some more masturbation material I grabbed my toiletries bag and towel and headed in after them.
To my surprise only one shower was occupied, the girl looked old enough to shower on her own not to mention with her dad. I shrugged it off pressed record and put my bag on the ground, going on with my nightly routines. After some time dad and daughter were done with their shower and went on their way, I stopped the recording and had my shower befor heading back to my caravan to review my newest video.
The video played out like many befor it had, dad was getting the shower to the best temperature and daughter undressed (sadly blocked by the bottom of the door) befor stepping into full view as she got under the water as dad undressed. She was a little beauty at about 4' with long dark almost black hair and tan skin, and no body hair to be seen. She stood under the water wetting her body and hair befor dad stepped in aswell, at about 6' the upper part of his body was hidden for view but his soft dick was clearly visible. Very shortly after dad joined daughter under the water dads soft member began to grow and he made no effort to hide it from daughters view, infact he stood facing her. Daughter was standing with her back towards the door, head under the water when dad brushed his dick against daughters shoulder, she then turned to face him looking directly at his slowly hardening dick then up at him. As dads dick began to rise daughter took hold of it and stroked it while looking up at dad, he quickly became fully erect and daughter opened her mouth and sucked his hard 6" cock in. Her head bobbed as she held his shaft and dads hands slid through her hair as she sucks away. A few minutes of this wonderful site and dad teansed, daughters head stopped bobbing and dads dick twitched befor daughter took her mouth away leand over and let a mouth full of daddy's cum full out as she kept hold of his dick. She looked back up to dad and he bent down and kissed her lips, she let go of dads softening cock and they went about their shower. Once they had finished and the water was off dad and daughter dryed off befor daughter sat on the little side bench (unfortunately out of view) dad stood infront of her befor kneeling down and leaning forward. The only place his head could have been was between her thighs, tounge in her sweet hony pot. Dads dick grew quickly and he began stroking it, the rest of the show sadly out of view blocked from the camera by the bottom of the door. A couple minutes and daughters toes curled befor dad shot his load onto the floor befor standing and the pair got dressed befor leaving both with smiling face's.
Needless to say I shot my own load a couple times watching the video the first time and a few more times rewatching it.
I woke early the next morning and decided to take a dip in the pool as it was already warming up. To my surprise dad and daughter from my video were there aswell with mum. Seeing the daughter caught me off guard and the sight of her mouth full of dads cock flashed in my mind and I felt my own cock start to grow. I pushed the thought out of my head and introduced myself as I found a seat not far from the parents. It was a quite morning with only us four at the pool and they struck up a conversation, the dads name was Allen mum was Dalisay and daughter Amanda. I found out through our conversation that Allen was 34, Dalisay a similar age (she didn't say exactly) and Amanda was 11, older then i thought. Meeting Dalisay and finding out she's Filipino made me understand my assumption about Amanda's age, Daliasy was barley over 5' with a slim build and tan skin, she had long dark hair with brown eyes and her breast looked big on her small body but would have only been a B cup at most. She was wearing a one peice Swimsuit that huged her tightly and so was Amanda. Amanda although being 11 was slim and short giving her the appearance of a girl a few years younger, she also had her mums dark hair and brown eyes.
As we talked Amanda played in the pool and I watched her play from time to time and couldn't help but imagine her naked, I had to force myself to stop at risk of pitching a tent in my shorts. Looking at Allen wasn't much better as I kept picturing what he had under his shorts and was curious if Dalisay looked like her daughter naked. I somehow managed to keep from getting hard luckily. Allen, Dalisay and I seemed to get along and we talked for a good hour before making our way to their caravan for coffee and more talk, Amanda joining in this time. She was a ball of energy and a delight to talk with, Allen and I started talking about hobbies and that's when Dalisay decided to take her leave with Amanda to get some shopping done.
Allen and I stayed behind to talk more and our conversation made its way to relationships, he pointed out it must be great being single with so many women passing through, it was but not nearly as exciting as he thought it would be. I said it must be hard to get some privacy with the three of them in a caravan, Allen told me that Dalisay was a firecracker when they met and he had trouble keeping her satisfied, but she did a complete 180 after Amanda was born and now he was lucky to have her once every few months. I decided to go all in and said "no for you and Amanda" Allen was shocked by my comment at first then acted like a father that had been accused of the worst crime. I quickly told him to quite down while giving him a meaningful stear, then told him "I like to film under the shower doors for something to jerk off to, you know what I saw last night". Allen went pale and sat silent, I told him I thought it was one of the hottest things I'd seen. He slowly started talking again and I reassured him there was no trouble coming, that I was interested and wanted to know more. He opened up and it seemed a weight had been lifted from him as he talked, he explained how after Amanda was born he'd gone from having sex multiple times a day to once every couple months. He never looked at her sexualy or even had thoughts about it till she was 10, they were playing on the floor Amanda was crawling all over him and he started to get hard. The harder he got the more she pushed on it as they played innocently and soon all the sensation made him dump his pent up load in his pants. Allen confided in me about how it made him feel and how it happened again and again, and soon he gave in and over the year there antics became more open with each other. He told me Amanda was still a virgin, and although they'd done anal once recently they kept to oral and grinding. Listening to Allen made me hard and I apologised having to adjust myself inside my shorts. I let him know I understood and that I had an interest in younger girls and was a bit jealous he was so lucky to have Amanda. Our conversation moved on to days gone by and the sexual antics they held, I shared some of my experiences and learnt that Dalisay had an extremely tight pussy now but used to enjoy anal, being deep throated and even fisted.
Our talk was hulted when Dalisay and Amanda returned, I said my goodbyes as they left to have lunch and was invited back for dinner that night.
Back at my caravan I watched my video of Allen and Amanda again as I nursed my hard on, I also imagined fooling around with Dalisay. I slowly stroked myself to my thoughts but didn't allow myself to finish. After a late lunch I went about my day as usual and was relaxing inside in the late afternoon when i heard a soft knock. I opened my door to find Amanda waiting for me, she was wearing a cute singlet top and skirt. She told me her parents were making dinner now, I grabbed a few drinks and as soon as I shut my door Amanda took my hand and we walked to her caravan. I played with Amanda as Allen and Delisay made dinner, we ate cleaned up then had a few drinks as we all talked. Amanda must have decided I was okay because she sat on my lap as we were talking, I couldn't help but put an arm around her waist and hug as she sat. Amanda being the ball of energy she was moved around alot, feeling her little ass wiggle around on my lap had me getting hard. During our evening as Allen placed another can on the table infront of us for me he caught my eye and gave a slight downward nod towards Amanda. My dick immediately jumped beneath her ass as I gave a slight nod back.
My hand that had been resting on Amanda's stomach slid down over her skirt onto her knee, then back under her skirt as my finger tips slid along her inner thigh till they lightly brushed against the soft fabric of her panties. Amanda didn't react at all not even when my finger tip brushed over her pantie covered pussy. To my surprise I could feel a slight dampness on the fabric along her slit, I slid my finger along her pussy slit again pressing a little harder this time. Amanda finally reacted, she wiggled her ass so my hard on was nestled between her cheeks. Encouraged I continued sliding my finger tip up and down her pantie covered pussy slit, pressing the soft fabric deep between her lips, feeling it go from damp to wet as her panties soaked up her pussy juices. I lazily slid my finger up and down Amanda's pussy feeling her wet Panties as her pussy lips hugged my finger, my hard cock pressing against her ass crack as I casually chatted with her mum and dad. I was rather enjoying the evening when I was surprised by Amanda's hand sliding over mine, thinking this bliss was about to end I just about lost my load in my shorts when she pulled her panties to the side and pressed my finger between her slippery pussy lips. She guided me to her clit and rubbed a circle over it a couple times like I was novice she was teaching, I complied and began circling her tiny clit. Dalisay was talking away and I was noding along only half listening, all I could think was you're talking to me while I'm playing with your daughters pussy and you don't even know she's enjoying it. We kept going like this for a little while then felt Amanda teanse just before she grabbed my hand making me stop, I slid my finger down her slit and felt her pussy practically drooling. I placed my hand over her panties and softly massaged her crutch till she slid back on my lap slightly then i rested my hand back on her stomach. I glanced at Allen and he had a sly smile on his face, he knew exactly what happened. Amanda dropped her hand between our legs and found my hard cock and she spent the rest of our evening keeping it rock solid gently squeezing it. About 9 we decided it was time to end the evening, Amanda hopped off my lap to help Dalisay take the glasses inside. I took the opportunity to situate my hardon for my walk home which caused a small laugh from Allen, I said my goodbyes and Amanda gave me a hug then I walk back to mine.
About 20 minutes later and with much lighter balls I was sitting out side having a smoke thinking about the events that just happened, thinking myself so lucky to have had the chance to feel Amanda's amazing soft wet pussy and even have her orgasm by my own fingers. I decided to cool off with a shower, grabbed my things and went over. As I was brushing my teeth Allen and Amanda walked in heading for a shower themselves. I gave Allen a nod hello which he returned and Amanda paused when she saw me, after a second or two she grabbed her dads arm and I almost chocked when I heard her ask "dad, can I shower with Tom please" Allen looked at us both and said "if you really want to you can". Amanda hugged her dad thankfully skipped over and pulled me by my arm towards a shower, Allen placed a hand on my shoulder as he passed and told me "don't get carried away alright" "I won't I swear"
Amanda pulled me into a shower cubicle and closed the door behind us, i quickly opened the camera on my phone pressing record befor sliping it into its pocket in my bag and hanging it on the back of the door. I started the water checking the temperature as Amanda got undressed, needless to say I was sporting full hard on even befor I watched this little beauty undress infront of me. When the water was right I took my top off and before I could put it down Amanda had hold of my shorts and pulled, letting my hard 8" cock spring out right infront of her face. She looked surprised at its size, having only seen her dads 6" I guess she wasn't expecting it. She didn't hesitate long tho and before I could say anything her warm lips wrapped around the head before she sucked half the shaft into her eager mouth. She started bobbing her head as she sucked, flicking her tongue over the tip. I dropped my top and ran my fingers through her hair, Amanda let go of my shorts and I kicked them off as she took hold of my shaft. I couldn't believe Amanda was actually sucking my dick and that this expert blowjob was being preformed by a girl of only 11, and to top it off her dad gave the okay knowing this would happen. Amanda kept sucking, head bobbing as she stroked my shaft, my brain stopped all I could do was run my fingers through her hair and enjoy the heavenly feeling of her mouth around my cock. I've had plenty of blowjobs form many different women but none made me cum as fast as this 11 year old, It only took her 3 minutes to make me cum. When I reached my limit I tapped Amanda's head letting her know, she pulled back so only the head was in her mouth and she sucked hard as her tounge did circles around it. My cock erupted into her mouth and she held it all, Amanda pulled away when it stop twitching. She held her hands out flat infront of her and let my cum out intonher palms befor looking up at me and smiling. Amanda then rubbed my cum all over my cock befor licking my shaft and sucking my balls. i knelt down and placed my lips on hers, she parted her lips and our tounges danced as we kissed. My hand found her smooth soft pussy and my fingers explored her wet slit flicking her clit as she huged her arms around my shoulders. Amanda orgasmed by my hand again and we finally moved into the water and had our shower, our hands exploring each other as we washed. After we were clean we stopped the water and dryed off. I sat Amanda on the bench and she spread her legs for me. I buried my face in her perfect pussy, licking her slit poking her hole with my tounge, flicking and sucking her clit. She orgasmed from my tounge quickly but I didn't stop, I kept sucking her clit but I poked her butt. My finger met little resistance and I began finger fucking her ass as I attacked her pussy with my tounge, little Amanda orgasmed two more times like that before she pushed my face away needing to rest. My cock was rock hard again and begging for more, i moved closer and kissed her deeply as I lined my dick up with her tight little ass. I gave a little push and my cock just pressed against her rosebud. she was tight, maybe too tight but I didn't care I needed to feel myself inside her. needed to feel my balls slap against her ass as I fucked her hard with my full length, i needed to feel her squeez my shaft as I cum deep inside her. I held Amanda tightly and began to push harder just as a knock came from the door "you two just about done in there, it's gotten late" Allen said. I was annoyed by the interruption but thankfull because I had gotten carried away. Still needing to cum and lost in my arousal I stood and opened the door still naked with a full erection, Allen was caught off guard and stunned. I said "we're just about done, but I bet you're not" and before he could react I pulled him inside and closed the door. Allen still couldn't find his voice and I looked at Amanda in full for the first time since we dryed off. She was a sight to behold a tiny naked 11 year old sitting with her legs spread, eyes half closed and in a daze, flat chest breathing heavily with dark hard nipples pointing out, pussy lips parted with a glistening crutch. Without saying a word to Allen I leaned down and whispered in Amanda's ear "I think daddy wants to cum aswell" her eyes opened and she reached out towards him, I gently pushed Allen towards her and she pulled down his pants letting his hardening cock out. Amanda began stroking it as I got on my knees and started eating her pussy again. I glanced up and Allen was taking in the full scene mouth agape sporting a full hardon. he was standing too far away for Amanda's mouth while my face was between her thighs, so I nudged him closer and she did the rest. Amanda pulled her dad closer by his dick and guided it into her waiting mouth. Allen caressed his daughters head as he watched her suck his cock into her mouth while I was knelt between her spread legs sucking on her clit. I felt her orgasm again then kissed my way up her slender body pausing to suck on her little nipples. Amanda was doing her best to suck her dads dick in the awkward position we were in, her face was sliding back and forth on Allen's dick only inches away from my own face. I figured what the hell and Allen flinched as I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, Amanda gave out a little giggle around the dick in her mouth but kept sucking. I was kneeling between her legs and thrust forward, sliding my dick between her pussy lips along her slit. Her lips hugged the underside of my shaft as I rubbed it back and forth, grinding her clit as I slid over it. Holding her hips as I thrust against her tiny pussy was intoxicating, only made more exciting by her tight lips sliding along her dads shaft next to my face as I suck his balls. My cock grinding Amanda's clit made her orgasm again and I guess it was too much for Allen, I felt his balls tighten in my mouth befor his cock twitched as he filled his daughters mouth with cum. She pulled off his cock mouth agape with cum dribbling out the corners of her mouth. I couldn't help myself i took Allen's cock in my mouth sucking out the last few drops of cum befor licking the cum from the side of Amanda mouth and kissing her. Allen watched as I hugged Amanda tight and slid my dick along her dripping pussy faster, as we kissed deeply sharing his cum. I was fucking her pussy lips fast grinding her cilt hard as I held her naked body to mine, she broke our kiss as she orgasmed again cum falling from our open mouths. I didn't let up and keept fucking her pussy lips as he wrapped her legs around my waist, she orgasmed again and again quickly then a third time almost instantly forcing out a moan that was quickly stifled but her dad cock entering her mouth. Allen held Amanda's head and his cock as he started fucking her mouth, matching my thrust as I kept fucking her pussy lips grinding her cilt. Her pussy was flooded, juices were covering my cock and her pussy as they slid together, running down my balls and her ass. Amanda had lost control of her body and shook as wave after wave of endless orgasms rocked her little body, stifled moans escaped around her dads cock as he fucked her mouth. I reached my limit and pulled back, aiming my cock at her pussy entrance I pushed holding my throbbing cock firm against her tiny hole. I emptied my balls into her tight virgin pussy, shooting load after load into her as she orgasmed again. I held firm against her entrance as Allen slowed and looked at me with a concerned face, I gave a little smile and said "don't worry she's still a virgin, just full of cum". Amanda and I caught our breath as her little body slowly stopped convulsing, my cock still held firmly against her twitching entrance. After a minute or two Amanda took hold of Allen's still hard cock and pulled it into her mouth, I kissed her cheek and she popped it out and pointed it at me. She watched as I sucked it in before letting it slide out again, we took turns sucking her dads dick, tounge kissing sharing his knob, and giving him a double blow job till he came on her face. All the while I was still hugging her tight my knob pressed against her pussy hole. After Allen came I finally pulled away from her watching my cum run out of her tiny pussy, I stood up and she held both our dick and suck them clean. Amanda pressed out tips together and tried in vain to suck them both, it was truly a site to behold. Allen must have thought the same because he pulled out his phone and took a photo of his little girl, face covered in his cum holding two dicks trying to suck them both. Once we were clean and soft Allen pulled his pants up and I found my clothes but we both paused at the site of little Amanda. sitting happily naked on the bench the happy after orgasm glow about her, face covered in cum legs still spread with soaked pussy on full display, cum dripping from her tiny hole pooling on the bech between her ass cheeks. Allen took another photo of his little girl in this beautiful display befor I helped get her pyjama shorts on as he cleaned her face and slid her top on. Once we were all dressed and straightened up I opened and exited the cubicle first, once I saw we were alone Allen followed with Amanda on shakey legs. We walked to my caravan and had a quick talk out front. I apologised for getting carried away and Allen said it was alright because Amanda enjoyed herself.
Dalisay came looking for her husband and daughter and found the three of us talking, she lightly scolded Allen for taking so long and keeping poor Amanda up so late. Pointing out how tired she looked and that she could barely stand, i looked at Amanda and sure enough she was slightly swaying on shakey legs. I also noticed a larg drop cum slowly running down her thigh, Allen was apologising repeatedly. I apologised for keeping them and said i saw them coming out of the bathrooms and got talking again. I said to Allen "pick the poor girl up and get her to bed" hoping my cum running down her thigh would get whipped away on his clothes. I said good night to Allen and Amanda and apologisesd to Dalisay for keeping them again. As they were about to leave Amanda grabbed my arm and pulled me to her, placing a kiss on my cheek and saying "I had fun today, can we play again?" Allen and I shared a knowing laugh and I answered "if we meet again sure, I'll play with you". Dalisay said she was glad Amanda had fun with me (if only she knew) said goodnight and the three of them left.
I went inside and remembered my phone as I placed my bag down. I pulled it out and sure enough it was still recording, I got into bed and watched the hour long video with 45 minutes of absolute heaven.
The next morning I felt a tinge of sadness as I waved to them as the drove past, continuing on there holiday. I had a lazy Sunday relaxing around my caravan till the evening when I continued my daily routine of watching who was using the bathrooms, now with more hope of fathers with little ones. I was scrolling through tiktok when I got a message from Allen, I opened it and immediately got hard when I saw 3 pictures of Amanda, one with her looking up a cock in each hand tips pressed together trying to fit them both in her mouth. One with her sitting on the bench legs spread, cum covered and happy. The last was a close up of her little pussy cum oozing out her tiny hole. Then I got another message from Allen, a short video only 20 seconds long of Amanda. Its pointing down looking at her standing naked with a hard cock in her mouth, she pulls it out and shows a month full of cum befor swallowing then says "I miss you already Tom, I can't wait till we play again"...
I'll start by from the beginning with a little more detail.
It was a Friday night about 9pm and I was sitting out the front of my caravan scrolling through tiktok, when I saw a man and his daughter head into the communal showers. Taking the opportunity to capture some more masturbation material I grabbed my toiletries bag and towel and headed in after them.
To my surprise only one shower was occupied, the girl looked old enough to shower on her own not to mention with her dad. I shrugged it off pressed record and put my bag on the ground, going on with my nightly routines. After some time dad and daughter were done with their shower and went on their way, I stopped the recording and had my shower befor heading back to my caravan to review my newest video.
The video played out like many befor it had, dad was getting the shower to the best temperature and daughter undressed (sadly blocked by the bottom of the door) befor stepping into full view as she got under the water as dad undressed. She was a little beauty at about 4' with long dark almost black hair and tan skin, and no body hair to be seen. She stood under the water wetting her body and hair befor dad stepped in aswell, at about 6' the upper part of his body was hidden for view but his soft dick was clearly visible. Very shortly after dad joined daughter under the water dads soft member began to grow and he made no effort to hide it from daughters view, infact he stood facing her. Daughter was standing with her back towards the door, head under the water when dad brushed his dick against daughters shoulder, she then turned to face him looking directly at his slowly hardening dick then up at him. As dads dick began to rise daughter took hold of it and stroked it while looking up at dad, he quickly became fully erect and daughter opened her mouth and sucked his hard 6" cock in. Her head bobbed as she held his shaft and dads hands slid through her hair as she sucks away. A few minutes of this wonderful site and dad teansed, daughters head stopped bobbing and dads dick twitched befor daughter took her mouth away leand over and let a mouth full of daddy's cum full out as she kept hold of his dick. She looked back up to dad and he bent down and kissed her lips, she let go of dads softening cock and they went about their shower. Once they had finished and the water was off dad and daughter dryed off befor daughter sat on the little side bench (unfortunately out of view) dad stood infront of her befor kneeling down and leaning forward. The only place his head could have been was between her thighs, tounge in her sweet hony pot. Dads dick grew quickly and he began stroking it, the rest of the show sadly out of view blocked from the camera by the bottom of the door. A couple minutes and daughters toes curled befor dad shot his load onto the floor befor standing and the pair got dressed befor leaving both with smiling face's.
Needless to say I shot my own load a couple times watching the video the first time and a few more times rewatching it.
I woke early the next morning and decided to take a dip in the pool as it was already warming up. To my surprise dad and daughter from my video were there aswell with mum. Seeing the daughter caught me off guard and the sight of her mouth full of dads cock flashed in my mind and I felt my own cock start to grow. I pushed the thought out of my head and introduced myself as I found a seat not far from the parents. It was a quite morning with only us four at the pool and they struck up a conversation, the dads name was Allen mum was Dalisay and daughter Amanda. I found out through our conversation that Allen was 34, Dalisay a similar age (she didn't say exactly) and Amanda was 11, older then i thought. Meeting Dalisay and finding out she's Filipino made me understand my assumption about Amanda's age, Daliasy was barley over 5' with a slim build and tan skin, she had long dark hair with brown eyes and her breast looked big on her small body but would have only been a B cup at most. She was wearing a one peice Swimsuit that huged her tightly and so was Amanda. Amanda although being 11 was slim and short giving her the appearance of a girl a few years younger, she also had her mums dark hair and brown eyes.
As we talked Amanda played in the pool and I watched her play from time to time and couldn't help but imagine her naked, I had to force myself to stop at risk of pitching a tent in my shorts. Looking at Allen wasn't much better as I kept picturing what he had under his shorts and was curious if Dalisay looked like her daughter naked. I somehow managed to keep from getting hard luckily. Allen, Dalisay and I seemed to get along and we talked for a good hour before making our way to their caravan for coffee and more talk, Amanda joining in this time. She was a ball of energy and a delight to talk with, Allen and I started talking about hobbies and that's when Dalisay decided to take her leave with Amanda to get some shopping done.
Allen and I stayed behind to talk more and our conversation made its way to relationships, he pointed out it must be great being single with so many women passing through, it was but not nearly as exciting as he thought it would be. I said it must be hard to get some privacy with the three of them in a caravan, Allen told me that Dalisay was a firecracker when they met and he had trouble keeping her satisfied, but she did a complete 180 after Amanda was born and now he was lucky to have her once every few months. I decided to go all in and said "no for you and Amanda" Allen was shocked by my comment at first then acted like a father that had been accused of the worst crime. I quickly told him to quite down while giving him a meaningful stear, then told him "I like to film under the shower doors for something to jerk off to, you know what I saw last night". Allen went pale and sat silent, I told him I thought it was one of the hottest things I'd seen. He slowly started talking again and I reassured him there was no trouble coming, that I was interested and wanted to know more. He opened up and it seemed a weight had been lifted from him as he talked, he explained how after Amanda was born he'd gone from having sex multiple times a day to once every couple months. He never looked at her sexualy or even had thoughts about it till she was 10, they were playing on the floor Amanda was crawling all over him and he started to get hard. The harder he got the more she pushed on it as they played innocently and soon all the sensation made him dump his pent up load in his pants. Allen confided in me about how it made him feel and how it happened again and again, and soon he gave in and over the year there antics became more open with each other. He told me Amanda was still a virgin, and although they'd done anal once recently they kept to oral and grinding. Listening to Allen made me hard and I apologised having to adjust myself inside my shorts. I let him know I understood and that I had an interest in younger girls and was a bit jealous he was so lucky to have Amanda. Our conversation moved on to days gone by and the sexual antics they held, I shared some of my experiences and learnt that Dalisay had an extremely tight pussy now but used to enjoy anal, being deep throated and even fisted.
Our talk was hulted when Dalisay and Amanda returned, I said my goodbyes as they left to have lunch and was invited back for dinner that night.
Back at my caravan I watched my video of Allen and Amanda again as I nursed my hard on, I also imagined fooling around with Dalisay. I slowly stroked myself to my thoughts but didn't allow myself to finish. After a late lunch I went about my day as usual and was relaxing inside in the late afternoon when i heard a soft knock. I opened my door to find Amanda waiting for me, she was wearing a cute singlet top and skirt. She told me her parents were making dinner now, I grabbed a few drinks and as soon as I shut my door Amanda took my hand and we walked to her caravan. I played with Amanda as Allen and Delisay made dinner, we ate cleaned up then had a few drinks as we all talked. Amanda must have decided I was okay because she sat on my lap as we were talking, I couldn't help but put an arm around her waist and hug as she sat. Amanda being the ball of energy she was moved around alot, feeling her little ass wiggle around on my lap had me getting hard. During our evening as Allen placed another can on the table infront of us for me he caught my eye and gave a slight downward nod towards Amanda. My dick immediately jumped beneath her ass as I gave a slight nod back.
My hand that had been resting on Amanda's stomach slid down over her skirt onto her knee, then back under her skirt as my finger tips slid along her inner thigh till they lightly brushed against the soft fabric of her panties. Amanda didn't react at all not even when my finger tip brushed over her pantie covered pussy. To my surprise I could feel a slight dampness on the fabric along her slit, I slid my finger along her pussy slit again pressing a little harder this time. Amanda finally reacted, she wiggled her ass so my hard on was nestled between her cheeks. Encouraged I continued sliding my finger tip up and down her pantie covered pussy slit, pressing the soft fabric deep between her lips, feeling it go from damp to wet as her panties soaked up her pussy juices. I lazily slid my finger up and down Amanda's pussy feeling her wet Panties as her pussy lips hugged my finger, my hard cock pressing against her ass crack as I casually chatted with her mum and dad. I was rather enjoying the evening when I was surprised by Amanda's hand sliding over mine, thinking this bliss was about to end I just about lost my load in my shorts when she pulled her panties to the side and pressed my finger between her slippery pussy lips. She guided me to her clit and rubbed a circle over it a couple times like I was novice she was teaching, I complied and began circling her tiny clit. Dalisay was talking away and I was noding along only half listening, all I could think was you're talking to me while I'm playing with your daughters pussy and you don't even know she's enjoying it. We kept going like this for a little while then felt Amanda teanse just before she grabbed my hand making me stop, I slid my finger down her slit and felt her pussy practically drooling. I placed my hand over her panties and softly massaged her crutch till she slid back on my lap slightly then i rested my hand back on her stomach. I glanced at Allen and he had a sly smile on his face, he knew exactly what happened. Amanda dropped her hand between our legs and found my hard cock and she spent the rest of our evening keeping it rock solid gently squeezing it. About 9 we decided it was time to end the evening, Amanda hopped off my lap to help Dalisay take the glasses inside. I took the opportunity to situate my hardon for my walk home which caused a small laugh from Allen, I said my goodbyes and Amanda gave me a hug then I walk back to mine.
About 20 minutes later and with much lighter balls I was sitting out side having a smoke thinking about the events that just happened, thinking myself so lucky to have had the chance to feel Amanda's amazing soft wet pussy and even have her orgasm by my own fingers. I decided to cool off with a shower, grabbed my things and went over. As I was brushing my teeth Allen and Amanda walked in heading for a shower themselves. I gave Allen a nod hello which he returned and Amanda paused when she saw me, after a second or two she grabbed her dads arm and I almost chocked when I heard her ask "dad, can I shower with Tom please" Allen looked at us both and said "if you really want to you can". Amanda hugged her dad thankfully skipped over and pulled me by my arm towards a shower, Allen placed a hand on my shoulder as he passed and told me "don't get carried away alright" "I won't I swear"
Amanda pulled me into a shower cubicle and closed the door behind us, i quickly opened the camera on my phone pressing record befor sliping it into its pocket in my bag and hanging it on the back of the door. I started the water checking the temperature as Amanda got undressed, needless to say I was sporting full hard on even befor I watched this little beauty undress infront of me. When the water was right I took my top off and before I could put it down Amanda had hold of my shorts and pulled, letting my hard 8" cock spring out right infront of her face. She looked surprised at its size, having only seen her dads 6" I guess she wasn't expecting it. She didn't hesitate long tho and before I could say anything her warm lips wrapped around the head before she sucked half the shaft into her eager mouth. She started bobbing her head as she sucked, flicking her tongue over the tip. I dropped my top and ran my fingers through her hair, Amanda let go of my shorts and I kicked them off as she took hold of my shaft. I couldn't believe Amanda was actually sucking my dick and that this expert blowjob was being preformed by a girl of only 11, and to top it off her dad gave the okay knowing this would happen. Amanda kept sucking, head bobbing as she stroked my shaft, my brain stopped all I could do was run my fingers through her hair and enjoy the heavenly feeling of her mouth around my cock. I've had plenty of blowjobs form many different women but none made me cum as fast as this 11 year old, It only took her 3 minutes to make me cum. When I reached my limit I tapped Amanda's head letting her know, she pulled back so only the head was in her mouth and she sucked hard as her tounge did circles around it. My cock erupted into her mouth and she held it all, Amanda pulled away when it stop twitching. She held her hands out flat infront of her and let my cum out intonher palms befor looking up at me and smiling. Amanda then rubbed my cum all over my cock befor licking my shaft and sucking my balls. i knelt down and placed my lips on hers, she parted her lips and our tounges danced as we kissed. My hand found her smooth soft pussy and my fingers explored her wet slit flicking her clit as she huged her arms around my shoulders. Amanda orgasmed by my hand again and we finally moved into the water and had our shower, our hands exploring each other as we washed. After we were clean we stopped the water and dryed off. I sat Amanda on the bench and she spread her legs for me. I buried my face in her perfect pussy, licking her slit poking her hole with my tounge, flicking and sucking her clit. She orgasmed from my tounge quickly but I didn't stop, I kept sucking her clit but I poked her butt. My finger met little resistance and I began finger fucking her ass as I attacked her pussy with my tounge, little Amanda orgasmed two more times like that before she pushed my face away needing to rest. My cock was rock hard again and begging for more, i moved closer and kissed her deeply as I lined my dick up with her tight little ass. I gave a little push and my cock just pressed against her rosebud. she was tight, maybe too tight but I didn't care I needed to feel myself inside her. needed to feel my balls slap against her ass as I fucked her hard with my full length, i needed to feel her squeez my shaft as I cum deep inside her. I held Amanda tightly and began to push harder just as a knock came from the door "you two just about done in there, it's gotten late" Allen said. I was annoyed by the interruption but thankfull because I had gotten carried away. Still needing to cum and lost in my arousal I stood and opened the door still naked with a full erection, Allen was caught off guard and stunned. I said "we're just about done, but I bet you're not" and before he could react I pulled him inside and closed the door. Allen still couldn't find his voice and I looked at Amanda in full for the first time since we dryed off. She was a sight to behold a tiny naked 11 year old sitting with her legs spread, eyes half closed and in a daze, flat chest breathing heavily with dark hard nipples pointing out, pussy lips parted with a glistening crutch. Without saying a word to Allen I leaned down and whispered in Amanda's ear "I think daddy wants to cum aswell" her eyes opened and she reached out towards him, I gently pushed Allen towards her and she pulled down his pants letting his hardening cock out. Amanda began stroking it as I got on my knees and started eating her pussy again. I glanced up and Allen was taking in the full scene mouth agape sporting a full hardon. he was standing too far away for Amanda's mouth while my face was between her thighs, so I nudged him closer and she did the rest. Amanda pulled her dad closer by his dick and guided it into her waiting mouth. Allen caressed his daughters head as he watched her suck his cock into her mouth while I was knelt between her spread legs sucking on her clit. I felt her orgasm again then kissed my way up her slender body pausing to suck on her little nipples. Amanda was doing her best to suck her dads dick in the awkward position we were in, her face was sliding back and forth on Allen's dick only inches away from my own face. I figured what the hell and Allen flinched as I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, Amanda gave out a little giggle around the dick in her mouth but kept sucking. I was kneeling between her legs and thrust forward, sliding my dick between her pussy lips along her slit. Her lips hugged the underside of my shaft as I rubbed it back and forth, grinding her clit as I slid over it. Holding her hips as I thrust against her tiny pussy was intoxicating, only made more exciting by her tight lips sliding along her dads shaft next to my face as I suck his balls. My cock grinding Amanda's clit made her orgasm again and I guess it was too much for Allen, I felt his balls tighten in my mouth befor his cock twitched as he filled his daughters mouth with cum. She pulled off his cock mouth agape with cum dribbling out the corners of her mouth. I couldn't help myself i took Allen's cock in my mouth sucking out the last few drops of cum befor licking the cum from the side of Amanda mouth and kissing her. Allen watched as I hugged Amanda tight and slid my dick along her dripping pussy faster, as we kissed deeply sharing his cum. I was fucking her pussy lips fast grinding her cilt hard as I held her naked body to mine, she broke our kiss as she orgasmed again cum falling from our open mouths. I didn't let up and keept fucking her pussy lips as he wrapped her legs around my waist, she orgasmed again and again quickly then a third time almost instantly forcing out a moan that was quickly stifled but her dad cock entering her mouth. Allen held Amanda's head and his cock as he started fucking her mouth, matching my thrust as I kept fucking her pussy lips grinding her cilt. Her pussy was flooded, juices were covering my cock and her pussy as they slid together, running down my balls and her ass. Amanda had lost control of her body and shook as wave after wave of endless orgasms rocked her little body, stifled moans escaped around her dads cock as he fucked her mouth. I reached my limit and pulled back, aiming my cock at her pussy entrance I pushed holding my throbbing cock firm against her tiny hole. I emptied my balls into her tight virgin pussy, shooting load after load into her as she orgasmed again. I held firm against her entrance as Allen slowed and looked at me with a concerned face, I gave a little smile and said "don't worry she's still a virgin, just full of cum". Amanda and I caught our breath as her little body slowly stopped convulsing, my cock still held firmly against her twitching entrance. After a minute or two Amanda took hold of Allen's still hard cock and pulled it into her mouth, I kissed her cheek and she popped it out and pointed it at me. She watched as I sucked it in before letting it slide out again, we took turns sucking her dads dick, tounge kissing sharing his knob, and giving him a double blow job till he came on her face. All the while I was still hugging her tight my knob pressed against her pussy hole. After Allen came I finally pulled away from her watching my cum run out of her tiny pussy, I stood up and she held both our dick and suck them clean. Amanda pressed out tips together and tried in vain to suck them both, it was truly a site to behold. Allen must have thought the same because he pulled out his phone and took a photo of his little girl, face covered in his cum holding two dicks trying to suck them both. Once we were clean and soft Allen pulled his pants up and I found my clothes but we both paused at the site of little Amanda. sitting happily naked on the bench the happy after orgasm glow about her, face covered in cum legs still spread with soaked pussy on full display, cum dripping from her tiny hole pooling on the bech between her ass cheeks. Allen took another photo of his little girl in this beautiful display befor I helped get her pyjama shorts on as he cleaned her face and slid her top on. Once we were all dressed and straightened up I opened and exited the cubicle first, once I saw we were alone Allen followed with Amanda on shakey legs. We walked to my caravan and had a quick talk out front. I apologised for getting carried away and Allen said it was alright because Amanda enjoyed herself.
Dalisay came looking for her husband and daughter and found the three of us talking, she lightly scolded Allen for taking so long and keeping poor Amanda up so late. Pointing out how tired she looked and that she could barely stand, i looked at Amanda and sure enough she was slightly swaying on shakey legs. I also noticed a larg drop cum slowly running down her thigh, Allen was apologising repeatedly. I apologised for keeping them and said i saw them coming out of the bathrooms and got talking again. I said to Allen "pick the poor girl up and get her to bed" hoping my cum running down her thigh would get whipped away on his clothes. I said good night to Allen and Amanda and apologisesd to Dalisay for keeping them again. As they were about to leave Amanda grabbed my arm and pulled me to her, placing a kiss on my cheek and saying "I had fun today, can we play again?" Allen and I shared a knowing laugh and I answered "if we meet again sure, I'll play with you". Dalisay said she was glad Amanda had fun with me (if only she knew) said goodnight and the three of them left.
I went inside and remembered my phone as I placed my bag down. I pulled it out and sure enough it was still recording, I got into bed and watched the hour long video with 45 minutes of absolute heaven.
The next morning I felt a tinge of sadness as I waved to them as the drove past, continuing on there holiday. I had a lazy Sunday relaxing around my caravan till the evening when I continued my daily routine of watching who was using the bathrooms, now with more hope of fathers with little ones. I was scrolling through tiktok when I got a message from Allen, I opened it and immediately got hard when I saw 3 pictures of Amanda, one with her looking up a cock in each hand tips pressed together trying to fit them both in her mouth. One with her sitting on the bench legs spread, cum covered and happy. The last was a close up of her little pussy cum oozing out her tiny hole. Then I got another message from Allen, a short video only 20 seconds long of Amanda. Its pointing down looking at her standing naked with a hard cock in her mouth, she pulls it out and shows a month full of cum befor swallowing then says "I miss you already Tom, I can't wait till we play again"...