Tiny pussy amber jo bouncing on daren

Becoming Onyx wasn’t hard, physically. I kept my hair cut short at a manageable length to facilitate wearing the long blonde wig. My natural eye color was amber, which looked gold in the sunlight, but I wore blue contacts to cover them. My face was mostly the gorgeous cinnamon hue except for the creamy patches, which I used the best makeup in the business to blend and set with a waterproof setting spray. My wardrobe closet was filled with a plethora of fashionable designer items on one side and low-key items on the other to accommodate my regular life as Elise.
I stepped into my closet and spotted just what I wanted to wear, a dark blue/black/silver sequenced V neck jumpsuit that hugged me in all the right places. I grabbed my clutch and slipped into heels and left. He had sent me the address to a cute beachfront property. When I arrived at the door, he greeted me with a smile, “Wow, beautiful.” I smiled and strutted into the house.
It was cute, very beachy with all the blues and yellow colors, “Is this place yours?” I asked.
He handed me a glass of champagne and replied, “I have a friend that let me use it for tonight. But if you like it, it can be yours and we can meet here on occasion.”
My left eyebrow rose, was he serious? I sipped from the glass, “You would buy me this place, like put it in my name and I’d have complete say in how I used it?” I wanted to be sure he understood what he was offering and most importantly, what I wanted and expected.
He moved closer to me, and touched my cleavage with his fingertip, “I would.”
I nodded, “That’s generous. We’ve only just met.” I smiled flirtatiously.
He smiled, revealing his pretty teeth, “I would. I like you. Last night, I seriously had a great time.”
I walked over to the patio and looked out at the water. It was truly an amazing little spot. I had wanted to get into investment properties and now, I was being offered one. I turned to find him standing behind me.
“I loved how you just listened to me last night. Let me ramble on and that advice you gave me about going to opening the new dealership was sweet. I secured the lot earlier today.”
“Congrats Darren, that’s awesome,” I said. I could see him eyeing my breasts. The night before, he had a grand time licking my nipples and squeezing my breasts while I rode him. “See something you like?” I asked.
He nodded, “I do.” His hands cupped my breasts and he squeezed. Then he unbuttoned my jumpsuit in the front. I undid his pants and began to stroke with my hand, while he suckled on my nipples. He looked up into my eyes, “Do you want me?” He asked.
I nodded, “Of course I do.”
He dropped his pants, then walked over to the recliner and sat. First, I licked his penis from the shaft to the tip before mounting him in reverse. He enjoyed watching me twerk and glide up and down while he grabbed my tits.
Darren wasn’t an incredible lover like he wasn’t much into foreplay, but his penis was so big and thick that I had fun riding him and watching him make faces. Like, no woman had ever ridden his dick as I did.
By the next morning, he handed me the keys to the property and gave me the information to the realtor who would contact me to make it official. I kissed his mouth and he left saying he wouldn’t be able to see me again for a while because his wife was back in town, which was understandable.
Now, it was early when Darren left the beach house. I looked around impressed at what I was just gifted, four bedrooms, three- and one-half baths, a loft, a nice patio with view of the ocean. I almost lost track of time, until my phone sounded with a text message from Hassan, “Can’t wait to see you.”
Yikes, I had to hurry to my main house to get ready for my date with him. I hurried to the door, locked it, and left. As I was driving home, I received another text from Hassan, “wear something easy to take off.”
I chuckled. It had been several months since we had messed around and I was certain, he was going to prove a point when he saw me.
I still remember the first time I met Hassan. It was at one of those highfalutin parties where the men show off. I happened to be on a date with an older gentleman named Gil Whitman. Our relationship wasn’t sexual. He more or less just wanted my company. We would talk for hours about everything under the sun. He enjoyed a good debate and I always challenged his perspective.
Gil happened to be good friends with Hassan’s father. As I sat at the table next to Gil, I noticed Hassan’s gaze, but I had never had a Muslim man eye me with attraction, so I was completely unaware that he was checking me out. He was gorgeous, this deeply tanned skin, chiseled features, his hair midnight black and wavy, his eyes a soft green.
I stepped into my closet and spotted just what I wanted to wear, a dark blue/black/silver sequenced V neck jumpsuit that hugged me in all the right places. I grabbed my clutch and slipped into heels and left. He had sent me the address to a cute beachfront property. When I arrived at the door, he greeted me with a smile, “Wow, beautiful.” I smiled and strutted into the house.
It was cute, very beachy with all the blues and yellow colors, “Is this place yours?” I asked.
He handed me a glass of champagne and replied, “I have a friend that let me use it for tonight. But if you like it, it can be yours and we can meet here on occasion.”
My left eyebrow rose, was he serious? I sipped from the glass, “You would buy me this place, like put it in my name and I’d have complete say in how I used it?” I wanted to be sure he understood what he was offering and most importantly, what I wanted and expected.
He moved closer to me, and touched my cleavage with his fingertip, “I would.”
I nodded, “That’s generous. We’ve only just met.” I smiled flirtatiously.
He smiled, revealing his pretty teeth, “I would. I like you. Last night, I seriously had a great time.”
I walked over to the patio and looked out at the water. It was truly an amazing little spot. I had wanted to get into investment properties and now, I was being offered one. I turned to find him standing behind me.
“I loved how you just listened to me last night. Let me ramble on and that advice you gave me about going to opening the new dealership was sweet. I secured the lot earlier today.”
“Congrats Darren, that’s awesome,” I said. I could see him eyeing my breasts. The night before, he had a grand time licking my nipples and squeezing my breasts while I rode him. “See something you like?” I asked.
He nodded, “I do.” His hands cupped my breasts and he squeezed. Then he unbuttoned my jumpsuit in the front. I undid his pants and began to stroke with my hand, while he suckled on my nipples. He looked up into my eyes, “Do you want me?” He asked.
I nodded, “Of course I do.”
He dropped his pants, then walked over to the recliner and sat. First, I licked his penis from the shaft to the tip before mounting him in reverse. He enjoyed watching me twerk and glide up and down while he grabbed my tits.
Darren wasn’t an incredible lover like he wasn’t much into foreplay, but his penis was so big and thick that I had fun riding him and watching him make faces. Like, no woman had ever ridden his dick as I did.
By the next morning, he handed me the keys to the property and gave me the information to the realtor who would contact me to make it official. I kissed his mouth and he left saying he wouldn’t be able to see me again for a while because his wife was back in town, which was understandable.
Now, it was early when Darren left the beach house. I looked around impressed at what I was just gifted, four bedrooms, three- and one-half baths, a loft, a nice patio with view of the ocean. I almost lost track of time, until my phone sounded with a text message from Hassan, “Can’t wait to see you.”
Yikes, I had to hurry to my main house to get ready for my date with him. I hurried to the door, locked it, and left. As I was driving home, I received another text from Hassan, “wear something easy to take off.”
I chuckled. It had been several months since we had messed around and I was certain, he was going to prove a point when he saw me.
I still remember the first time I met Hassan. It was at one of those highfalutin parties where the men show off. I happened to be on a date with an older gentleman named Gil Whitman. Our relationship wasn’t sexual. He more or less just wanted my company. We would talk for hours about everything under the sun. He enjoyed a good debate and I always challenged his perspective.
Gil happened to be good friends with Hassan’s father. As I sat at the table next to Gil, I noticed Hassan’s gaze, but I had never had a Muslim man eye me with attraction, so I was completely unaware that he was checking me out. He was gorgeous, this deeply tanned skin, chiseled features, his hair midnight black and wavy, his eyes a soft green.